Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2nd day of my BTS going onto day number 4 of being alcohol free

I started up a back to school diet for myself, because the summer was so bad to me... Well, actually it was a really great summer, except for my weight. There was so much good food and drinks. So I decided that the day my son went back to school that I would start a new diet... And no, I am not cutting anything out except for alcohol. This diet is me trying to control my calories and workout every day with maybe a day off each week. I am going to try to not drink for at least 30 days and see if I can go farther than that...but I am starting small...30 days for now and I might up the limit... and trust me, I already have some scheduled parties during that time to go to.... and I will not be having a drop of alcohol. I am going to try to beat my Biggest Loser weight that my gym had done last year. I'll keep you updated as I lose weight. I won't say my weight but I will tell you how much I lose and hopefully where I end up and then you can add the number to that weight and know where I am now...Wish me luck...I will need it. I love to cook and love to eat, so this is always hard for me to do. But I want to be costume ready for Halloween! If anyone wants to join me on this journey, please feel free to comment on this blog!