Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Positive Thinking

I am trying to learn to be a more positive person than I have been before. This was my New Year's resolution, to be more positive, peaceful and to try to pay it forward wherever I can. I need to stop and take a breathe when something upsets me and just let it out with that breathe so it doesn't wreck my soul. I want to feel good again, the way I did when I was a child. I want my innocence back. I came on this earth to be a good person and I plan to leave that way. I have a lot to learn in this life and I need to make efforts to better myself so that I can be better to others and my family. I have constantly worked on my physical self sometimes to no avail, but many times I have forgotten that I have to work on my inner self. This is my year to do good onto others. Please join me in this and try to make an effort to do some good. Even if it's just letting the person out on the side of the road that has been waiting forever to be let out of a road. Pay it forward! I bet you will feel a lot better about yourself at the end of the day.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Clean House Makes Me Feel Better

I love a clean house. It makes me feel good. This is a very hard thing to do with 2 boys under the age of 7 and a husband that sometimes gets busy and just leaves things there. I decided on New Year's Eve to put away the Christmas tree and all the decorations to clean the house thoroughly. It seemed like a tornado had struck the interior of my home. I just didn't know how I was going to get through it all. But I just started by picking something up and putting it away and then repeated the process hundreds of times, it seemed. I cleaned and wiped and ran up and down the stairs doing laundry. It seemed like I would never get done, but by the end of the afternoon the house looked in order and I was a wee bit tired, but I felt great. I accomplished what I wanted and my mental and spiritual state seemed to be uplifted. Yes, a clean house does that for me. I guess there is something to the saying, "Cleanliness is godliness"......