Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Clean House Makes Me Feel Better

I love a clean house. It makes me feel good. This is a very hard thing to do with 2 boys under the age of 7 and a husband that sometimes gets busy and just leaves things there. I decided on New Year's Eve to put away the Christmas tree and all the decorations to clean the house thoroughly. It seemed like a tornado had struck the interior of my home. I just didn't know how I was going to get through it all. But I just started by picking something up and putting it away and then repeated the process hundreds of times, it seemed. I cleaned and wiped and ran up and down the stairs doing laundry. It seemed like I would never get done, but by the end of the afternoon the house looked in order and I was a wee bit tired, but I felt great. I accomplished what I wanted and my mental and spiritual state seemed to be uplifted. Yes, a clean house does that for me. I guess there is something to the saying, "Cleanliness is godliness"......

1 comment:

  1. I cleaned my house also..and it does get messed up fast with kids!!
