Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vegetarian Diet - Almost 3 Weeks Into it

I have been on my vegetarian lifestyle for almost 3 weeks as of Sunday. I am missing meat less and less. I tried gardein crispy tenders that I thought were delicious. I have been trying to watch what I eat as well. I am trying to stick to a 1200 calorie diet and it seems to be working. I was sick as well during some of this time which helped the weight loss situation. I am down about 9 lbs, since the beginning of my vegetarian lifestyle change. I figure I have saved a few more animals lives and that makes me feel pretty good about my decision. I am still not totally 100% on the vegetarian boat yet (which means if there is a special event that is serving meat, then I might eat it), but I am choosing to stick to it for now and for the long term with possible slip ups. So I will not say I am a vegetarian, because I am not, but I am not eating meat, not even fish at the time. I know my hubby likes this since he is one, but I am not doing this for him. I am doing this for me and all those cute fuzzy little animals. Some people told me I would not lose weight going vegetarian, but so far I have, so I am happy! I would have posted about this last week, but my whole family was sick. Til' next week!

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