Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Week of a Vegetarian Diet or Lifestyle Accomplished

Well, I did it. I made it through one week on a vegetarian diet. It wasn't too hard. Did I crave meat at all? I did, I won't lie. I was walking into my house and someone must have been grilling hamburgers or steak and I wanted it so badly. I decided to go inside and get over it. I have had lots of energy and feel better. I lost 0.8 pounds which isn't much but it's better than nothing. That includes alcohol and sweet treats, so not too shabby! I am guessing I saved at least 1 or 2 animals lives this week by not eating meat, if not more. I was told that I would gain weight because of the carbs. I ate carbs, but I ate whole grain carbs that are good for me and that provide me good energy. Also my digestion issues were better as well. I also want to say, this is not a vegan diet. I can still eat dairy and eggs, but I will be doing that as little as possible. I bought almond milk and am incorporating that into certain things such as my cereal in the morning and my hot cocoa. I also had fake chicken patties and chicken nuggets made by Quorn. They taste better than the real thing and I can do alot of fun stuff with it when I am cooking. If you are interested in what to do with Quorn's line of food, then stay tuned on I will start to post more vegetarian recipes on there as I try them. I was able to buy the Quorn packages for $3.99 a pop at Super Stop & Shop on sale. I will definitely need to buy alot more and stock up at that price. I am feeling good about my decision, but am still fighting my meat eating urges. Stay tuned for more on my diet as I progress.

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