Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to Get Back on Track When You Fall Off the Diet Wagon...

I would like a how to guide on getting back on track everytime I fall off my diet wagon. I have such trouble getting back on. Yesterday, I did well, today I did the opposite. Maybe it's hormones, but either way, something has to work. I worked too hard to drop weight over the past few years and it is working, but I always creep back up a little and then I get motivated for a bit and drop some more. I just hate when I can't seem to tell my head no. My stomach wins all the time, or is it my head? Many experts say alot of bad eating habits are mental. I can definitely agree with that. If I am happy, sad or angry, I run for the cabinets or fridge. I think television is also a definite evil to losing weight. Everytime I watch a show, which is barely, the commercials are filled with some sort of food ad. Next thing I know, I am running to the fridge looking for that item or something comparable to it. I have been having these troubles since 5th grade. I don't know where I went wrong. I don't know why I ended up with such a big issue with food, but I want to break the cycle. Maybe my next step is counseling. I'll keep you posted! Oh, by the way, don't forget to check my cooking blog out that created with my friend Theresa:

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