Monday, February 21, 2011

Out of Order

I am sorry if I haven't been blogging much of late, but I have been sort of "Out of Order". Yes, that's right, "Out of Order". I am not functioning at full capacity these days and need to be adjusted. I can't seem to get my health or my mind on track. Thank goodness for doctors and lots of books. I have been resting alot lately and reading in my quiet time. Don't worry though, no bad news here. Just need to figure out what's been out of whack. I promise that I will tell, once I know. I am so hard to figure out, just ask the doctors, my husband or my parents. I will say that I have been extremely worn down, stressed out to the maximum capacity and pretty much at my limit. I have low blood pressure, imagine that, but I swear it must spike. I feel like my head will pop off from all the stress. I guess it's normal for mothers, but I think my kids think they are in charge, even though I try to explain that they aren't. It's not just them, it's everything. I have ADD /ADHD and have major anxiety issues and that all mixed up with trying to be a SAHM. Just trying to make everything run smoothly is such hard work, because it never seems to go that way and it drives me insane. My friend said something very important in her recent blog about Facebook and how she almost quit it. I feel that Facebook has taken over too much of my time and that if I would just not use it that I would open up alot more space in my life to organize things better. But do understand this, I don't sit on Facebook all day. I just check it several times a day and still carry out everyday things. It just seems that it's gotten out of control and has begun to creep into my life way too much. I think I will be keeping it to a bare minimum. I think I need FA - Facebook Anonymous... This is an ode to my friend's blog prisca's voice:

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm so glad you found value in what I wrote. Thank you for sharing it with your readers! :o) I will fully support you in your quest for Facebook Anonymous...
