Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Love Food and Live Well" By Chantel Hobbs

This Book Will Set You Free and Learn to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food!
I just finished reading "Love Food and Live Well", by Chantel Hobbs, regarding how to have a healthy relationship with food. It's funny how this book came upon me. I have been having major issues with binge eating and had decided to try to help myself with self-help books. I had found a few books that I had brought home, started to read and then put aside. Then I had a choice of a few books to review and this book caught my eye. I seriously feel like it was a message from God to read this book. I was looking for help and this was one of my few choices to read that looked the most interesting to me. I am so glad that I read this book. It really talks about people's relations with food and how to eat the right way. I am a certified personal trainer and she has some great exercises in this book and knows what she is talking about. The author of this book, Chantel was 350 pounds and lost over 200 pounds, so she knows what it feels like to be overweight and to struggle with dieting. She also knows how it feels to lose it and struggle to keep it off. In this book she helps show people how to learn not to struggle. There are some great recipes in here and also a way to calculate how much protein, carbs and fat you should be taking in for your body. If you have issues with food, or struggle with weight, then this is a great book to read. Also a quick note, I liked this book so much, that I just ordered her book, "Never Say Diet: Make Five Decisions and Break the Fat Habit for Good". “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”

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