Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making Childhood Dream Reality

I have always had a dream to become a writer. I used to write short stories as a child and had a passion for reading. This is one of the reasons that I started to write a blog. I wanted to see if I can write. I can talk for hours, but can I put my mumbo jumbo together on paper and make something spectacular fly out to the readers. I am still not sure if I can, but I am going to try. My first book will be fiction and I am also currently trying to collaborate on a cookbook with a friend of mine. I have no clue when I will have the time to write this book, but I am going to try to do it when I actually get some quiet moments. I wish I had a muse, so if one wants to come and help me out, "I am here"! It must be nice to have a muse. I don't fully understand that really. Is a muse an imaginary friend or some entity, who knows? I don't have one. I'll check in from time to time and might even give a sneak peak into what I am writing about. You will have to wait at the edge's of your seat's or not. It's good to be back on here. Hope some of you are still here, checking in on my silly nonsense. Tata for now!

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