Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another pic I took...Can you tell I love the forest?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chocolate addiction

Note to self: Don't buy 72 chocolate bars from a wholesale club to save money.... It will cost me more to lose the weight when I am done with them...

I have been going through those chocolate bars like a mad woman.

PMS +72 bars of chocolate in house = Fat Crazy Girl

By the way, it's not 72 bars anymore. I think I am in the early 60's or 50's with them already and I just purchased them 2 days ago... Yes, I have problems.... They seriously are calling my name. I can't get the thought of having one melting away in my mouth out of my head. HELP ME!!!!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Getting crazier by the minute

Haven't been on here in a while and that's because I am losing my mind more than ever. My child is just about to start summer vacation and both my boys together, all day long are going to take me to new limits. I am already having panic attacks. I have 2 high maintenance children. All I hear every minute of the day, is Mommy, Mommy, Mommy... over and over again. You would think that they can't walk by themselves. I might sound like the worst mom in the world at the moment, but I am just worn out. I need a vacation and not summer vacation. I will stop venting for now.

Friday, June 4, 2010

No show

I am sorry to any of my followers, if I haven't shown up for a couple of days. I sometimes need to hide within myself and can't deal with priorities that may arise. Just like this blog that took a year for me to finally start. I have a laptop with a broken screen that needs to be sent in to the warranty place and it has been sitting on a table for 2 months. I just can't seem to finish certain things. For some reason, certain things in my life just seem so hard to do, when they really are so simple for most people. I do the same with bills sometimes...I pretend they aren't there and then I end up with a huge bill because I didn't pay them on time and they decided to tack on late fees. Oh and items that need to be returned to the store that never make it there until it's too late to return. Yeah, I really suck at life. I can't seem to function quite right. Sometimes I can get things done on time and everything will flow perfectly and then there are times that I am just lost in a big squall that's called life. I am a total lost cause most of the time. I don't know if I could ever totally survive on my own. I feel like I would sink and not be able to ever come back up for air. I need to figure out why I do this to myself. It's like I have something inside me that wants to destroy the essence of me. I will finally get the wheels churning and everything is in the correct gear and it's like I throw a stick into it and the whole thing blows up in my face. At least, my kids are coming out right. I can say that I put most of my attention on them and they seem to be doing great. I just need to figure out the puzzle inside my head and fit the pieces together.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Heart of a million pieces - written by me

You broke me
Tore me into a million pieces
You left me there to fend for myself
Never turning back to see what became of me
Broken, feeling of unwant, lost
I couldn't breathe
I couldn't see from all the tears shed
Hollow inside, filled with utter pain
How could you hurt me so much?
How could you break my heart?
Why did you tell me you loved me?
How could you leave me if you did?
I was lost without you and couldn't find my way
I almost didn't make it
I was so close to the end
Grasping for something that wasn't there
You were my world and you took it away
Leaving me in a black hole of emptiness
Through my darkest hours, I could not find the light
Wandering around like an unseen ghost
Time passed by so slowly
Day turned into night, into day
I thought you would come back
But you never came