Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Heart of a million pieces - written by me

You broke me
Tore me into a million pieces
You left me there to fend for myself
Never turning back to see what became of me
Broken, feeling of unwant, lost
I couldn't breathe
I couldn't see from all the tears shed
Hollow inside, filled with utter pain
How could you hurt me so much?
How could you break my heart?
Why did you tell me you loved me?
How could you leave me if you did?
I was lost without you and couldn't find my way
I almost didn't make it
I was so close to the end
Grasping for something that wasn't there
You were my world and you took it away
Leaving me in a black hole of emptiness
Through my darkest hours, I could not find the light
Wandering around like an unseen ghost
Time passed by so slowly
Day turned into night, into day
I thought you would come back
But you never came

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