Monday, May 31, 2010

So close, yet so far away

Yesterday, as we were about to leave the house, I decided to go grab something out of my car and quickly locked it without thinking. Then I got into my husband's car and realized I still needed something out of my car. I went to grab my keys and realized they were still in my SUV. I did not panic, I just thought, "I'll get my spare in the house". Low and behold, I then realized that the keys were safely tucked away in my gym bag in my SUV. How wonderful, both keys are in the car, not outside of it. Plus, AAA will not open my car up because of it's electronic system or something like that. So now I have to wait till tomorrow, when it's not a holiday to get a new key made for my car at the dealership. Funny thing is that the dealership is about 40 minutes away and my husband has to work so he can't help me out. What to do, what to do. This is my major dilemma. I think I might need a fairy godmother.  This is why I am lucky that my head is attached to me, because otherwise I would have lost it long ago. Wait, I kind have lost it, just in a different kind of way.

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