Saturday, May 15, 2010

My First Post

I have been trying to set up my site for over a year now. Well, finally I have something to show for it. Can you believe it took me a year to do a few simple steps. This is my life. I will think of all these things to do, but never get anything accomplished. They are these little dreams waiting to become reality and I just leave them all over the place. I have always been like this. I had to play ever sport in the world when I was a kid. I wanted to have every toy possible, but then never played with them. The sad part is it's the same now. I go to the gym, go to MOPS, am part of a playgroup, etc. and then I just started to do gymnastics on top of being a full time stay at home mom. I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done. I also read whenever I can actually get a chance. How many books am I reading at once? At the moment 3, but I will probably add on to that. Oh and then I just added this blog to my huge lists of things I do. Do you feel overwhelmed yet? Join my world...I'll show you overwhelmed! I think I am sometimes too much for people to handle. I talk too much. I do everything too much. I am crazy girl!


  1. Congrats!! you finally did it!! I'm proud of you! & yes you CAN get it all done.....just one thing at a time :) love ya!!

  2. Thank you Melinda... I am so excited that I finally got this up and running...Yay! And love ya too!

  3. I like your blog so far. The tip about eating out is a good one! And your recipes sound yummy:) I dont know if i would have enough to say to write a blog:) Since you are always trying new things you can write about that:)
