Sunday, May 23, 2010

Amazing Experience

Today, we went to a living museum type of place and they had a section where there are different farm animals that you can get up close and personal with. I saw this beautiful little auburn calf laying down on some hay in her stall. She looked very sleepy and sad, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Just about the same time, the farmhand came out with a big baby bottle (calf-sized). I asked him how old she was, because she was so tiny and I he said she is only 10 days old. When she saw him, she got right up and was so excited to get her bottle. It was so amazing to watch her nurse that bottle. I had never seen this in real life before. She was hopping around, rubbing up against the farmhand. She was such a giddy little calf. She finished that bottle so quickly and wanted more, but that was all they would give her because she was on scheduled feedings. She started to suck on the farmhands fingers and I said that they should get her a calf-sized pacifier. I was saddened to hear that her mother rejected her and so she was pretty much on her own. No wonder she looked so sad and loney laying there before. I went up to her and pet her and let her suckle on my arm and elbow. She was so happy and loved being cuddled. I didn't want to leave her. It was hard to say goodbye, but my arm was covered with calf slobber and I had to go wash up. It was about closing time and we couldn't stay any longer. I have to say it was one of those experiences that I will never forget and will hold it close to my heart. I wish I could have brought her home with me. I don't think I will ever be able to eat beef again. How could I? After bonding with such a precious little girl? She had so much personality and was even more attentive than most dogs or cats that we have living at most of our homes. We don't eat them, so how could I eat a cow? It looks like beef is off the menu for good in this household......


  1. I bet Ivan is happy to hear that! :o)

  2. He is definitely happy to hear that... wonder if I can actually stick to it once, once I smell hamburgers on the grill...
