Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take the day off

I think most people are running on empty these days. It is so hard to catch a break from the stress of everyday life. I totally understand this. I am a stay at home mom and I don't feel like there is enough time in the day to get everything done. I am constantly rushing around, running about aimlessly like a chicken with it's head cut off... I am not organized one bit and can't keep a list if I wanted to. It would just disappear within seconds..."Poof", there it went! I know my friend's that read this would say, "But you take naps in the middle of the day". Yes, I will not lie, I do try to take a nap when my youngest one naps. But one thing, most don't know is that, I am lying there with 5,000 different ideas going through my head. I don't sleep I just lie there, with all these thoughts driving me completely insane. I keep telling myself stop thinking. Just "STOP THINKING"! But I can't, my mind races too fast. I am so tired, but feel like there is so much to do and so little time. I think alot of us feel this way. I don't think we get enough time for ourselves. Whether it be a job, parenting, etc. There is always something that needs to be done. I think people in certain parts of Europe have a better clue at life than we do, when it comes to taking care of ourselves. I think that we would be healthier and less stressed if we got more time off to breathe. We need siestas and more time off. As a housewife, I would like my husband to have more time off, so that we can enjoy our family without the stress of him going right back to work. I think that companies should either offer more vacation time, or maybe a 4 day work week (same amount of hours). I will write more on this topic, but alas I am tired and need my rest. This sleeping beauty has a very busy day tomorrow. I bet you do too! I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject!

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