Sunday, May 16, 2010

Flickering Flame of the Soul

I have this passion, this fire
Feels like someone is always trying to snuff it out
Every time it starts to gain momentum
It starts to falter, due to outer forces
That I have no control over
My power weakens as time flies by
Do I stay or do I go
Will my energy strengthen, if I shall leave
What happens if I stay
Will my flame burn out like the stars in the sky
Will my misery finally overshadow my heart and turn it into ash
Is happiness waiting in the outer realms that are out of reach
My soul gravitates towards an unknown source that is untouchable
If only I could stretch my being towards this source
To seek truth and purpose in my life
Then my fire would burn brightly
Like the sun in the sky shining down upon us
Warming our bodies, our thoughts, our lives
Pushing us further into different realms of being
Enlightening our paths to unspeakable truths

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