Sunday, May 16, 2010

My ongoing battle....

I have never felt comfortable in my own body, except for my first couple of years in college. I had worked so hard to look good and it took everything in me to get that way. I have been dieting since I was in fifth grade. I am a yo-yo dieter. I have tried it all and forgot how to eat and how to exercise. I finally joined Weight Watchers and it worked. If I stuck to the points, I lost weight. I have finally learned how to eat again. I am not perfect and I still binge a lot, but now I know how to control my portions. I know how much I really should be eating and how much I need to exercise. I also have to say that a personal trainer is a great way to work your body for your own individual needs. They personalize the workout to your body. I was always afraid that I would gain weight from lifting weights, but I have learned through my personal trainer that it will create a lean and toned body. I still have a ways to go, but it definitely is working. If I was more strict with my diet, then I would be at my goal, but then I would not be having as much fun. You need to treat yourself at times and not get mad when you do mess up, which I do too often. This is the way you learn to make it a lifestyle. I used to screw up my diet and then binge for months. Now I know I just have to get back on the wagon if I fall off. The great thing about this way of life is you can always have a fresh start. I am living proof that it works. I have lost over 50 pounds and have kept it off for more than a year thanks to Weight Watchers and exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I lost 46 lbs on weight watchers years ago and have since become a triathlete. completed a marathon and adventure races with no looking back! Great job and great attitude!
