Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I just came home from another night of adult gymnastics. And no.... it is not some x-rated thing that I do at home, it's really gymnastics for adults. We started off with stretches and then preceded to do yoga. Halfway through the class we got into floor exercises such as cartwheels, roundoffs, handstands, etc. Then we did flips at the end of the long trampoline and did some jumps on the big trampoline and ended with stretches. By the way if you do 4 cartwheels in a row, you'll end up pretty dizzy. It's definitely a fun-filled hour that takes me back to being a kid again. I am proud to say that I even did a headstand that I didn't think I could do anymore. We use different appartuses when we have classes and it's alot of strength training. Those olympic gymnasts are hard core. The strength training is vigorous and I am only in an adult gymnastics class. It is so exhilarating and goes by so fast. I am always looking forward to the next class. It is a great way to build strength in your body and keep you more limber. If you have never tried it, I recommend you do! Definitely a great way to relive your childhood....

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