Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hair weave

I think I am going to add some color to my hair...Feeling kind of punky...Maybe some red or blue... or hot pink. Definitely want something different that I can take out when I want to, without messing up my long natural hair... Worked too hard to get it back to it's natural shiny color and also to grow it long... Being crazy, makes you want to dye and cut your hair all the time. Well, okay at least for me. I just love to change things up all the time. Call me crazy!


  1. I go through the desire to change my hair all the time - look at my FB pics, I've had so many different colors and styles throughout the years, not to mention some REALLY BAD styles! I now have my hair long again but far from natural (I started going gray when I was 18!! Yea, another curse from my mother...) but I finally found a color to stick with, until I go crazy again for a change or the company stops making it... Our appearance is the easiest thing we can control the change of, so it's understandably the first thing we do when we look for change, unless you're like me and you up and move across the country... :*

  2. Megh, you have the courage to make a move like that, because you have some major cajones... And I love your hair. I always like your style and I love when your hair is red.... But you look great with any colors. A true chameleon.
