Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sorry, I have been M.I.A. for a couple of days. I just needed to gather my thoughts. I was trying to get back into the right state of mind. This sometimes happens to me and all I can really do is concentrate on my family and try to keep the house clean. I throw everything else to the wind and hope all will land safely. Feeling better now...almost fully revived...still a bit worn, but much better. Feel the energy to write again! Love getting the creative juices flowing again. I love when my mind starts coming up with new ideas. Unfortunately they usually happen just about the same time that I am trying to go to sleep. I'll lay there in bed, and go...this sucks, I don't want to get out of bed and get the laptop. And sometimes I will get it and sometimes, I will just hope for the best, that I'll remember it in the morning. Usually, I will forget it and that will be the end of that great idea... I bet I could have made lots of money by now, if I had only gotten out that laptop or that pen and paper. My muse likes to work the late shift, it seems. Unfortunately, my kids like to work the early shift... Poo-poo for me. But I am back and should be coming up with lots of new posts in the upcoming days. Stay tuned!

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