Sunday, May 16, 2010

One morning, over a year ago....

So far the day is going by quickly. I felt like I was going to lose my mind this morning as I tried to make breakfast for the four of us. I was trying to make homemade tortillas on the skillet while getting two bowls of cereal ready for the boys and scrambling up eggs, while the veggie bean burrito mixture was heating up in the microwave. All the while, I have my son asking me for yogurt , my husband telling me that he should already be working and my baby running around my legs, trying to trip me. I finally did get two delicious breakfast burritos out for my husband and I, while the baby and my son had cereal, scrambled eggs and yogurt. So now everyone is full and the house is in shambles, time to clean. The work of a housewife is never-ending.

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