Saturday, May 29, 2010

What to do

I can't figure myself out. If anyone that reads this blog can, please let me know. I have been trying to figure myself out for 34 years. Shhh....don't tell anyone my age. I am really only 22.... But seriously, let's get back to the subject of figuring yours truly out. I have come up with a brand spanking new idea to make essential oil sprays. There are obviously essential oil sprays out there, but these will me my mixes and it will be something that I love to do and hence it's my new idea or venture.  I also should be certified as a personal trainer within the next two months. I am very excited about this as well, just a bit nervous. Now onto, more ways to express myself and somehow make money. So far I can definitely express myself, but the making money part, has been a total no-no. I need to figure out a way to make some moolah. I don't care if the ecomony isn't so great. I still want to make some money and I want to do it by expressing myself. The question is, how do I do something that I love and make money???? Plus how can I stay on a subject long enough  to make the cash roll in? I want to be rolling in the dollars, benjamins preferred of course. If anyone has figured me out, please feel free to comment. If not, that's okay, just send me your money!

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