Sunday, May 16, 2010

RPS better known as, Recovering Princess Syndrome

This passage is from over a year ago when I was frustrated with trying to get my site up and running.

Have you ever asked your significant other to help you out with something that they have lots of knowledge with, and they won’t give you the time of day. I have that problem all the time. Take for example, this website. I purchased the name of this site months before my husband finally actually decided to design it. I had written several pages for my blog and had ideas of how I wanted it to look, but it couldn’t be put together till he had the time for me. He is a great web designer and makes a living doing it, but when it comes to his wife, I come last to all his other tasks. I guess that’s normal with most people. I guess that’s why I try to do most things on my own, that I never would have done before. I am much more independent now that I am married, then before. It is a definite change from my days as an only child. I guess you can call me a recovering princess.

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