Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vegetarian Diet - Almost 3 Weeks Into it

I have been on my vegetarian lifestyle for almost 3 weeks as of Sunday. I am missing meat less and less. I tried gardein crispy tenders that I thought were delicious. I have been trying to watch what I eat as well. I am trying to stick to a 1200 calorie diet and it seems to be working. I was sick as well during some of this time which helped the weight loss situation. I am down about 9 lbs, since the beginning of my vegetarian lifestyle change. I figure I have saved a few more animals lives and that makes me feel pretty good about my decision. I am still not totally 100% on the vegetarian boat yet (which means if there is a special event that is serving meat, then I might eat it), but I am choosing to stick to it for now and for the long term with possible slip ups. So I will not say I am a vegetarian, because I am not, but I am not eating meat, not even fish at the time. I know my hubby likes this since he is one, but I am not doing this for him. I am doing this for me and all those cute fuzzy little animals. Some people told me I would not lose weight going vegetarian, but so far I have, so I am happy! I would have posted about this last week, but my whole family was sick. Til' next week!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Santa, All I Want For Christmas is : The Follow-up List

Dear Santa,
I just wanted to let you know that I had to revise my list, since I ended up getting a couple of the items on my list or I just changed my mine. Here is my new and improved list. I have been a very good girl!
1. Karaoke for Xbox or Wii with microphone

2. Pretty warm fleece pajamas

3. GPS for my car

4. Silpat for baking

5. Snow suit (or you can add to the TJ Maxx card and I can get it myself)
6. Skis

7. Wii Just Dance

8. LL Bean Wildcat Boots
9. Gift Certificates (QVC or eBay for my Bare Escentuals Makeup, iTunes, TJ Maxx (for workout clothes)

10. Zumba Wii Game
11. Flip Camcorder

12. Accessories for my Canon Rebel XS DSLR (such as a better flash)

And don't worry Santa, I will add to the list in the next couple of weeks!

First Week of a Vegetarian Diet or Lifestyle Accomplished

Well, I did it. I made it through one week on a vegetarian diet. It wasn't too hard. Did I crave meat at all? I did, I won't lie. I was walking into my house and someone must have been grilling hamburgers or steak and I wanted it so badly. I decided to go inside and get over it. I have had lots of energy and feel better. I lost 0.8 pounds which isn't much but it's better than nothing. That includes alcohol and sweet treats, so not too shabby! I am guessing I saved at least 1 or 2 animals lives this week by not eating meat, if not more. I was told that I would gain weight because of the carbs. I ate carbs, but I ate whole grain carbs that are good for me and that provide me good energy. Also my digestion issues were better as well. I also want to say, this is not a vegan diet. I can still eat dairy and eggs, but I will be doing that as little as possible. I bought almond milk and am incorporating that into certain things such as my cereal in the morning and my hot cocoa. I also had fake chicken patties and chicken nuggets made by Quorn. They taste better than the real thing and I can do alot of fun stuff with it when I am cooking. If you are interested in what to do with Quorn's line of food, then stay tuned on I will start to post more vegetarian recipes on there as I try them. I was able to buy the Quorn packages for $3.99 a pop at Super Stop & Shop on sale. I will definitely need to buy alot more and stock up at that price. I am feeling good about my decision, but am still fighting my meat eating urges. Stay tuned for more on my diet as I progress.