Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Never Say Diet", by Chantel Hobbs: Great Guidelines For Healthy Weight Loss

I just finished reading "Never Say Diet", by Chantel Hobbs. I think this book has a great guideline to follow for a healthy way of living. It focuses on working out first and then gradually changing your eating habits. As a person that has struggled with weight issues since a young age, I felt at times as if I was reading my own words. Chantel weighed over 300 pounds and with lots of determination and discipline, lost 200 pounds. She shows us how she did it and how anyone can have great results as long as they follow the guidelines that she outlines for us throughout the book. There are some great exercises shown throughout the book as well with options that are more challenging as you get stronger. The whole plan takes 16 weeks and comes in 4 phases. If you have some downfalls, then you will be in the phases longer and it will take more than the 16 weeks. In the beginning phases, you have to be more disciplined and you will slowly wean off certain things. During the later phases, you will be able to reintroduce certain things that will help you stick to your weight loss for the long term. I think it's a great book to help people that have issues with food. I think it is also a wonderful way for people to learn that they don't have to be afraid of exercise or of the gym.

Book Review: "The Final Summit: The Quest to Find the One Principle that Will Save Humanity", by Andy Andrews

I just finished reading an interesting story called, "The Final Summit: The Quest to Find the One Principle that Will Save Humanity", by Andy Andrews. I wasn't sure about this book when I had to pick it out of a group of books, but I was pleasantly surprised. The book is about a group of travelers from all different time periods that meet up for a final summit to try to save humanity from being wiped out. They have to figure out what the single most important principle is to put them on the right pathway to what God intended it to be. The catch is they only have 5 chances and they are on a time limit. I didn't want to put the book down because I wanted to know if they would figure it out in time and I really was curious to know what this principle would be. If you are anything like me, then you will try to solve it all throughout the book. The story started off a bit slow at the beginning, but then I really got into it. I learned a bit of history on the way, that I didn't know about and that most people actually will find interesting as well. I won't give it away though, because you might not read the book then. Most of the travelers are well known people throughout history such as Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, etc.. Again, don't want to give the story or all the characters away. I received this book free from the publisher through BookSneeze®.com. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making Childhood Dream Reality

I have always had a dream to become a writer. I used to write short stories as a child and had a passion for reading. This is one of the reasons that I started to write a blog. I wanted to see if I can write. I can talk for hours, but can I put my mumbo jumbo together on paper and make something spectacular fly out to the readers. I am still not sure if I can, but I am going to try. My first book will be fiction and I am also currently trying to collaborate on a cookbook with a friend of mine. I have no clue when I will have the time to write this book, but I am going to try to do it when I actually get some quiet moments. I wish I had a muse, so if one wants to come and help me out, "I am here"! It must be nice to have a muse. I don't fully understand that really. Is a muse an imaginary friend or some entity, who knows? I don't have one. I'll check in from time to time and might even give a sneak peak into what I am writing about. You will have to wait at the edge's of your seat's or not. It's good to be back on here. Hope some of you are still here, checking in on my silly nonsense. Tata for now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Love Food and Live Well" By Chantel Hobbs

This Book Will Set You Free and Learn to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food!
I just finished reading "Love Food and Live Well", by Chantel Hobbs, regarding how to have a healthy relationship with food. It's funny how this book came upon me. I have been having major issues with binge eating and had decided to try to help myself with self-help books. I had found a few books that I had brought home, started to read and then put aside. Then I had a choice of a few books to review and this book caught my eye. I seriously feel like it was a message from God to read this book. I was looking for help and this was one of my few choices to read that looked the most interesting to me. I am so glad that I read this book. It really talks about people's relations with food and how to eat the right way. I am a certified personal trainer and she has some great exercises in this book and knows what she is talking about. The author of this book, Chantel was 350 pounds and lost over 200 pounds, so she knows what it feels like to be overweight and to struggle with dieting. She also knows how it feels to lose it and struggle to keep it off. In this book she helps show people how to learn not to struggle. There are some great recipes in here and also a way to calculate how much protein, carbs and fat you should be taking in for your body. If you have issues with food, or struggle with weight, then this is a great book to read. Also a quick note, I liked this book so much, that I just ordered her book, "Never Say Diet: Make Five Decisions and Break the Fat Habit for Good". “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”

Monday, April 11, 2011

"Here Burns My Candle" by Liz Curtis Higgs (The Tests of Love During War: Love, Secrets, Betrayal, Faith) A Must Read

I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Here Burns My Candle", written by Liz Curtis Higgs. This is the first time I have ever read a book by this author. I have a deep interest in history, especially regarding the Jacobite uprising in Scotland during 1745, which this story is based on. It portrays a high society family with many secrets that start to come undone, presenting some twists and turns down the path of righteousnous. Many of the characters evolve immensely by the end.

I was unaccustomed to reading such stories with passages from the Bible included throughout the book. I was pleased by the way the bible was intertwined into the story and how faith in God would help you through even the hardest of times.

My favorite character is the ever so faithful Lady Elisabeth Kerr. She is the kind of woman, people want to strive to be like. She is caring, faithful, smart, beautiful and not afraid of work. She doesn't forget about where she comes from even with her title. I have to also include that Marjory comes in a close second. She is a strong woman that loves her sons with all she has. The relationship between the love of a mother for her sons was so well portrayed in this book. As a mother, I felt every ounce of love that a mother feels for her children. She is overly protective, like a lioness with her cubs. She will do anything  and give everything to keep her sons safe. She does not let anyone find fault in her sons and if they do, they will be set in their place. The farther along the story goes, the more I like her. My heart goes out for Elisabeth and Marjory. I felt such a strong feeling of love for family and how bonds don't always have to be based on blood.

I relished the little quotes from different authors, such as William Shakespeare, that were written in beginning of each new chapter. These clever passages would foreshadow what was to come in the chapter. One other quick note is at the end of the book there is a Scottish Glossary, in case you don't understand one of the words, but most are pretty easy to pick up. “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. ”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Awesome Deal - Kitrics Digital Nutrition Label Scale - Today Only!

Here is a great deal from, today only: It's a kitrics digital nutrition label scale. Great for those who are trying to lose weight or be more health conscious!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Fat Tuesday! Celebrate Mardi Gras Style!

Fat Tuesday is always the day before Ash Wednesday! It is marked as the last day to eat rich fatty foods before fasting for Lent. New Orleans aka "The Big Easy" is known for their Mardi Gras celebrations! People come down to the French Quarters and to Bourbon street to party during Mardis Gras! The carnivale parades run through St. Charles Avenue and Canal Street! If you can't make it to New Orlean's, then why don't you throw your own Mardis Gras party at home!  "Laissez les bons temps rouler" ("Let the Good Times Roll")

What you will need for a Mardi Gras party:
  • Have friends come over, dressed in costume
  • Get bead necklaces
  • Serve cajun food
  • Serve a king cake ( has some great recipe ideas for king cake)
  • Decorate your place purple, gold, and green
The king cake is a fun game as well! Whomever ends of with the slice of cake with the baby in it, will have to host the next year's mardi gras party!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Booty Appreciation Day

Don't forget to make sure to appreciate those booties out there today! It is Booty Appreciation Day! I would like to thank all those beautiful bootylicous bombshells such as Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Jayne Mansfield, J Lo, Beyonce, Anna Nicole Smith, etc... Oh yeah, and me!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to Get Back on Track When You Fall Off the Diet Wagon...

I would like a how to guide on getting back on track everytime I fall off my diet wagon. I have such trouble getting back on. Yesterday, I did well, today I did the opposite. Maybe it's hormones, but either way, something has to work. I worked too hard to drop weight over the past few years and it is working, but I always creep back up a little and then I get motivated for a bit and drop some more. I just hate when I can't seem to tell my head no. My stomach wins all the time, or is it my head? Many experts say alot of bad eating habits are mental. I can definitely agree with that. If I am happy, sad or angry, I run for the cabinets or fridge. I think television is also a definite evil to losing weight. Everytime I watch a show, which is barely, the commercials are filled with some sort of food ad. Next thing I know, I am running to the fridge looking for that item or something comparable to it. I have been having these troubles since 5th grade. I don't know where I went wrong. I don't know why I ended up with such a big issue with food, but I want to break the cycle. Maybe my next step is counseling. I'll keep you posted! Oh, by the way, don't forget to check my cooking blog out that created with my friend Theresa:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Out of Order

I am sorry if I haven't been blogging much of late, but I have been sort of "Out of Order". Yes, that's right, "Out of Order". I am not functioning at full capacity these days and need to be adjusted. I can't seem to get my health or my mind on track. Thank goodness for doctors and lots of books. I have been resting alot lately and reading in my quiet time. Don't worry though, no bad news here. Just need to figure out what's been out of whack. I promise that I will tell, once I know. I am so hard to figure out, just ask the doctors, my husband or my parents. I will say that I have been extremely worn down, stressed out to the maximum capacity and pretty much at my limit. I have low blood pressure, imagine that, but I swear it must spike. I feel like my head will pop off from all the stress. I guess it's normal for mothers, but I think my kids think they are in charge, even though I try to explain that they aren't. It's not just them, it's everything. I have ADD /ADHD and have major anxiety issues and that all mixed up with trying to be a SAHM. Just trying to make everything run smoothly is such hard work, because it never seems to go that way and it drives me insane. My friend said something very important in her recent blog about Facebook and how she almost quit it. I feel that Facebook has taken over too much of my time and that if I would just not use it that I would open up alot more space in my life to organize things better. But do understand this, I don't sit on Facebook all day. I just check it several times a day and still carry out everyday things. It just seems that it's gotten out of control and has begun to creep into my life way too much. I think I will be keeping it to a bare minimum. I think I need FA - Facebook Anonymous... This is an ode to my friend's blog prisca's voice:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Positive Thinking

I am trying to learn to be a more positive person than I have been before. This was my New Year's resolution, to be more positive, peaceful and to try to pay it forward wherever I can. I need to stop and take a breathe when something upsets me and just let it out with that breathe so it doesn't wreck my soul. I want to feel good again, the way I did when I was a child. I want my innocence back. I came on this earth to be a good person and I plan to leave that way. I have a lot to learn in this life and I need to make efforts to better myself so that I can be better to others and my family. I have constantly worked on my physical self sometimes to no avail, but many times I have forgotten that I have to work on my inner self. This is my year to do good onto others. Please join me in this and try to make an effort to do some good. Even if it's just letting the person out on the side of the road that has been waiting forever to be let out of a road. Pay it forward! I bet you will feel a lot better about yourself at the end of the day.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Clean House Makes Me Feel Better

I love a clean house. It makes me feel good. This is a very hard thing to do with 2 boys under the age of 7 and a husband that sometimes gets busy and just leaves things there. I decided on New Year's Eve to put away the Christmas tree and all the decorations to clean the house thoroughly. It seemed like a tornado had struck the interior of my home. I just didn't know how I was going to get through it all. But I just started by picking something up and putting it away and then repeated the process hundreds of times, it seemed. I cleaned and wiped and ran up and down the stairs doing laundry. It seemed like I would never get done, but by the end of the afternoon the house looked in order and I was a wee bit tired, but I felt great. I accomplished what I wanted and my mental and spiritual state seemed to be uplifted. Yes, a clean house does that for me. I guess there is something to the saying, "Cleanliness is godliness"......