Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Going Crazy the Night Before Thanksgiving

I am totally running around like a maniac tonight. I have so much to do and so little time. I have been cooking all day, cleaning, taking care of children, shopping, you name it, I've done it. It's past 10 pm and I don't know when I'll get to bed. And even when I do get some sleep, I will have to be up in so little time to start preparing the rest of the food, table and decorations. Maybe I will be lucky this year and be able to get a shower in and get dressed up. We will have to see about that one. The other nerve wracking thing is that I have to do everything, then serve the dinner, clean everything up and then get out at midnight to start my Black Friday shopping. I will have to get in line a little before 4 am for Target's Black Friday shopping. I don't know how I will do this and hope that I won't fall asleep in my shopping cart or in an aisle somewhere. I am glad I have a friend that will be with me to slap me in the face if I start to pass out...Should be a very crazy 2 days for me. There is always time for sleep on Friday afternoon if my family will allow it! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Safe travels!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Thanksgiving Dinner is Planned

Turkey (brined and then roasted)
Veggie Chx Cutlets seasoned and roasted
My Best Ever Vegetarian Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes
Gravy with sauteed mushrooms
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Orange Cranberry Sauce
Green Bean Casserole (made from scratch except will cheat with the onions)
Buttered Herbed Corn
2 Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecakes
Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Finally Got My Kitchenaid Food Chopper

I am so excited about my new kitchen gadget. I finally purchased my Kitchenaid Food Chopper. I have wanted this for a long time, but when the time came for presents, there were other Kitchenaid items that I wanted that were more expensive and bigger. This item was more needed in many ways though and I wish I had purchased this first. I can keep this on my countertop because it doesn't take up too much space and it takes a minute to clean it up. I can now quickly chop up my onions without crying my eyes out. I can make a salsa in a minute, chop nuts, mince garlic, chop herbs and clean up, is as easy as 1, 2, 3. I love it. Plus this great gadget is putting me in a festive mood. Maybe it's that beautiful empire red color that reminds me of Christmas. Kitchenaid has been very good to me and they have great customer service. Love, love, love this company!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Issues with Materialism: Separation Anxiety with Materialistic Items

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I guess I am overly materialistic. I just sold my Tassimo coffee machine on Amazon and I feel like my heart strings are being majorly tugged on. I feel as if someone just broke up with me. I don't understand why this happens to me. I have always been like this. I have always felt like items had feelings. Maybe it has something to do with being an only child and living on a main road with no neighbors to play with. I didn't have anyone to play with, just my toys. I made them alive in my own way. Maybe that is why people become hoarders. They can't separate from the item they purchased because they feel like they would be hurting the item's feelings. I know this is crazy, but I think that might be one of the big issues. I also feel like I might use certain things again and it's best to keep it, just in case. I have some wonderful friends that have helped me quite a few times, by coming over to my house and helping me let go in a way. We would make a junk, tag sale and keep pile. It really helps to have someone hold your hand through this, especially a good friend that understands you. They will tell you the honest truth and let you know that you really don't need that mini dress from 1988. That it will never fit you again and more than likely, will not be passed on to my boys. Yes, friends are important in helping to fight this "pack rat" battle. It is hard to do alone, especially if you have trouble getting organized. I am organized in certain ways, but falter in other ways. I also wonder if it has something to do with genes. My father is a major hoarder and my mom always says that I am just like him. She is more like Martha Stewart/Mommy Dearest, when it comes to cleanliness and organization. I can clean, but I can really pack things away... haha, even pounds. Okay, back to the subject. Yes, genetics must have something to do with it. I know I am just like my father in many ways and being a pack rat is one of them. We have the same mentality, that you might need it one day. We try to save things and hold on to them, because you never know. I have to say that I am trying to control my issue, by having friends become part of my rescue. Thank God for them, and you know who you are! I know when it's getting out of hand and I decide to take control of it before it can control me. And that's where I will end this. I will say goodbye to my Tassimo tomorrow and send it on it's way to it's new owner. Then list a couple of more items that have been sitting around doing nothing. Time to break away from my materialism....

Going to Try this Vegan/Vegetarian Diet a Bit More....

I am not perfect, especially when it comes to food. I can cook great food, but that's not the problem...If you have read any of my posts, then you will know that obviously it's my weird relationship with food that's is the true issue.... I like to eat it way too much. I have tried every diet in the book and nothing seems to last long. Now, my husband and children are vegetarians, so this should be easier for me then for someone that wants to go vegan/vegetarian and has an omivorous family. I started to look at the "Skinny Bitch" books by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin and think this might actually be a good thing for me. I have seen many vegans and they always look lean and healthy. Their skin seems to be clear and their hair, shiny. I am going to make myself a guinea pig. Maybe not a perfect one, because I won't totally give up meat yet. I will try to only eat it if I crave it or for the holiday feast. But I am going to try to stop eating meat, eggs and dairy because I really do love animals and I want to help out our environment. I also have an eye out on the new cookbook by Kim Barnouin, called "Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook: Crazy Delicious Recipes that Are Good to the Earth and Great for your Bod". It talks about how terrible high fructose corn syrup, certain non-organic foods with heavy amounts of pesticides on them, certain food dyes that are bad for you, etc. are for you. I think many people are really unaware of how bad certain foods really are to their bodies. Many of these foods are so over processed that they barely provide any nutrition to the person, but does provide them with terrible ailments. With the number of people falling victim to cancer, people should start to look at what they are eating and drinking. Food can make you sick, if you aren't eating the right kinds. I am not trying to badger anyone about this though, because I eat these foods as well. I sometimes don't check the label and say, "Oh well, just this once, I don't care"...I know better, but sometimes I just want to eat the food with the MSG in it, because they just taste so good... And that's where I am wrong also. I also drink diet soda, once in a blue moon, just because I don't want those extra calories, but I don't feel well afterwards. Hmmm....Could it be, because I just drank a can of poison? I will write more on this subject as I try to start eating healthier and try to cut the meat, eggs and dairy out. It will be a slow process, because honestly, I love meat, eggs and dairy. To start, I am running out to the store and picking up some almond milk, more Quorn products (fake meat products), veggies, and who knows what else. Wish me luck and I promise to let you all know how I am doing with this process....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quick Treat for the Kids - Ants on a Log Snack

My son made this and I had to post it. He told me the name of it, so if anyone wants to fight it for copyright laws then that would be silly since he just made it up and it's just a fun thing that kids have been doing forever. It's so easy a 6 year old can make it. Actually my 3 year old could make this too. It's very simple and the kids will love them.

celery sticks (cut on both ends and cleaned)
peanut butter
dried cherries

Use a plastic knife  or a thin spatula and scrape some peanut butter onto the celery and then place dried cherries on top of it. Enjoy!

Dear Santa, Black Friday Can Save You Lots of Money!

So Santa Baby,
I would like to let you know that you can save lots of money if you get out early on Black Friday and pick up some of my items. There is a Flip camcorder at Walmart for $99. And a TomTom GPS for $79. There is a also a DS Lite for $89 for my son. Oh yeah, and a trampoline for the boys for $165. Wow they have a KitchenAid Stand Mixer for $149, but I already have one so don't worry about that. So while you are at Walmart, I'll be at Target checking out the deals...maybe at 4 am, if I can do it after throwing a Thanksgiving feast at my house. Santa, I recommend that you get your butt up and save some money and make me happy. Oh and I promise to take care of you as well! Now, get some rest, save your energy for this friday, "Black Friday", that is....

Prince William and Kate Middleton are Engaged...Royal Wedding on the Way!

Princess Diana's son Prince William has finally asked Kate Middleton to marry him. Many girls around the world are heartbroken, knowing one of the most eligible bachelors has flown the coop. They make a very handsome pair and it's about time that they get married. They have been dating since 2003 and had a long enough time to court. I think it's wonderful that he will not be marrying another aristocrat. It gives common folk a chance to dream that they can one day marry their prince charming. It seems that he is marrying for love and that's how it should be, even if you do have royal blood lines. I never quite understood why royalty marry only inside their little group of nobility. I would rather think incest is a no-no. I would think royal blood would be more tainted than a commoner's blood in actuality. Well, I won't go there, but I am glad to see Prince William finally tying the knot with someone he obviously truely loves. Princess Diana obviously raised her children right. She was the peoples' princess and he is obviously following in her footsteps. God Bless the Prince......

Monday, November 15, 2010

Holiday Warning: Customer Service Reps, Naughty and Nice!

I decided it's time to talk about customer service reps. It's the holiday season and many of us will be dealing with them. They will make some of us happy and alot of us upset. They will either make you frustrated or help to make your life better again. Since Friday morning, I have been dealing with them from eBay and from Paypal to no avail. I have been on the phone with several of them with no resolution at the end and been transferred so many times. Oh and the best part was, after being transferred and waiting on hold for 40 minutes, listening to music and speeches that made me want to gag, I was hung up on. My stress levels were pushed to the utmost limits this weekend and I was still at the same place I was at, from the first phone call. Nowhere.
I have been a customer sevice rep. I know how you are supposed to treat your customers. I was always making sure issues were resolved and if I couldn't get it done during the time of the call, then I finished it on the side. I was a top of the line customer service rep. I actually won an IBM thinkpad at my job, because I did my job so well. I also saw the bad customer service reps, some that sat next to me. They would hang up on customers and the reason they did this was because a customer service rep needs to get a certain amount of calls in during a certain time. The call volume needs to stay low and customer service reps were rewarded if they answered several calls in little time. The problem with this was, that issues wouldn't be resolved and those clients would have to call back several times making the call volumes stay up. I watched a customer service rep answer the call and then mute the phone till the customer would hang up. The call would usually last less then a minute and the next call would come in. Since the customer hung up it looked like a resolved issue in no time for that customer service rep. It was terrible, but happened constantly and I bet most of you have gone through similar issues. I feel for you, I really do. I have been on this end so many times myself that I dread when I have to talk to a customer service agent. It's hard to find someone that cares about their job and cares about their customers, especially when reps don't usually make that much money. I will write more on this subject, but I don't want to write a novel at this time on it...haha... Hope you have read it and want to hear more... Tata for now!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Awesome Deal at QVC's Today's Special Value: bareMinerals The Perfect Gift 7-piece Color Collection

QVC's Today Special Value
bareMinerals The Perfect Gift 7-piece Color Collection

They also have this on easy pay.....!.tpl.tsv.cm_scid.TSV

I had to put this up, since I love bareMinerals... That's all I ever wear. This is an awesome deal, thought I would pass it along to all of you!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

PMS = Chocolate, Potato Chips + Bloat + Major Mood Swings

I can not stand PMS. I don't know about every other woman that might get it, but it seems like I am always getting it and that it lasts for 2 weeks. I feel like I am going to eat the house and not only that, look like it afterwards. I get these terrible cravings for the foods that we are not supposed to eat when trying to follow a diet plan. I end up with my hand in a bag of potato chips till they accidentally disappear. "Oops, what happened to the potato chips? Did I do that?" Let's not forget the chocolate, fast food value meals that seem to hit the spot and carton of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Oh and by the way, I said carton because Ben & Jerry's doesn't just come pint size. No siree, they have a nice quart size one as well. Oh yeah, and I can go through a whole quart during a day of PMS, along with as I said before, the whole house. So besides eating everything that my pantries and refrigerator have to offer, I end up having several different personalities. I become Cybil, trust me, ask my husband. Family try to walk around me like there are egg shells everywhere. Seriously, my house becomes a mine field, and if you do or say the wrong thing, I am going to blow. Plus, you don't know what's coming, screaming, crying, laughing, moping, etc. Oh and there are other things that make PMS so much fun, such as bloat. I love when my fingers look like sausages, and when my clothes feel so tight that I feel like I will burst out of the seams. Yeah, thanks mother nature, just what I needed, some more crazy in my life.....

Another Great Deal: Vizio 26” LCD HDTV $189.99

Vizio 26” LCD HDTV

$189.99  + $5.00 shipping

Great Deal of the Day: Motorola MotoNav 3.5" GPS Navigator

This is an awesome deal...hint, hint Santa!

Motorola MotoNav 3.5" GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech


Easy and Inexpensive Thanksgiving Centerpiece

What you need to make this centerpiece:
vase (use something you own or buy a new one)
stones (you can either pick them yourself from outside or buy them)
silk flowers / artificial flowers and/or leaves
optional: tray, baby pumpkins, gourds, ceramic glazed pumpkins, etc.

This is a very inexpensive craft to do and will make a great centerpiece for Thanksgiving. I actually purchased the stones, flowers, leaves, and ceramic glazed pumpkins from the dollar store and spent less than $10. I used a vase and tray that I have owned for several years.

Add stones to vase, carefully dropping them in so that you don't break the glass or crystal vase. Then arrange your silk or artificial flowers inside the vase. Very simple and beautiful. You can top this off by putting it on a tray and adding some baby pumpkins or gourds to each side of the vase. A simple and inexpensive decoration that you can use throughout the fall and to dress up your Thanksgiving dinner table.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow is "Country Strong" at CMA's

Even though a bit shaky, I think Gwyneth Paltrow sang her heart out on the CMA's belting out, "Country Strong". I think she could definitely have a second career as a singer, as well as being an amazing Oscar winning actress. I also loved her song, "Cruisin", that she sang as a duet with Huey Lewis. She is one fine singer and can also play the guitar, which accompanied her on stage at the CMA's, along with Vince Gill. A standing ovation from the crowd was received and well deserved. Hope to hear more songs sung by this wonderfully talented human being. Bravo, Gwyneth!

I love Christopher Pike, Author of Young Adult and Adult Books

I just wanted to say that I really love Christopher Pike. I have had an infatuation with his books since my early teens. His style of writing just captured me from the beginning of the story til the end. I loved to try to figure out who the killer was in the books from the start. I couldn't get a book of his fast enough and still feel the same way all these years later. My favorite book of his was Remember Me. I don't want to tell you the story, but it was amazing and I just ordered it so I can read it again. It's been so long since I read it, that I hope it will be all new to me. Also I just recently picked up his Thirst novel and loved it. It is a series and I have read all three and can't wait till number 4 comes out. Thirst is a bit different, because it's about the last vampire. It wraps krishna consciousness into it, in a special way. It made me want to learn more about Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita. It's funny, because I felt like I was lead to this book so I can learn more about the spirituality that my husband and his brother (who's passed on) believe in. I highly recommend picking up one of Christopher Pike's books. Happy Reading!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Elf on the Shelf is My New Best Friend (Less Stressful Holiday Season)

I have to say the Elf on the Shelf has become one of my favorite purchases of late. It's an elf that comes with a book to tell the story about him being santa's helper. The elf watches the kids and then flies back to santa every evening to report on how the children behave. He then finds a new hiding place when he comes back from the North Pole. My kids love him. They have named our elf Jack and they love to find his hiding places in the morning. If they start to misbehave, then I tell them that Jack is watching and he'll be going back to tell Santa at night. It works like a charm. Wish I had made this purchase earlier. This Christmas season will now be a little less stressful! If you are trying to find the Elf on the Shelf, look to the right side of this blog and you'll see a link to it!
Here is a commercial for the Elf on the Shelf...It's very cute:   Click here:  Elf on the Shelf

My Issues with Dieting

I have a major issue with dieting. I have spoken about this before on this blog. Some of them work for me but I always resort back to eating. I love food and get comfort from it. I sometimes eat out of boredom, emotional stress, just because, it's there, don't want to waste it, looks too good, need to try it, etc. I have every excuse in the book to eat. And sometimes it's not that I try it, but that I eat it all until there is nothing left and then I end up hating myself because I know I shouldn't have. It happens even during the state of eating the food. I will know that I should stop but I don't and I am already angry with myself because I know it will make me bigger and make me depressed. I guess it's time to go to OA (Overeater's Anonymous) to get a hold of it. I am not afraid of getting help. I am just afraid of not being able to eat. Yes, mental issues, you might say that. That's why this blog is here. I am unafraid of saying how I feel and what I am. I try to be as open as I can. Sometimes it's my downfall because I trust in people way too much and I think that everyone is like this and most are not. People might not like what I write all the time, but it's what I am thinking or what I am feeling at that time. I hope you don't mind my craziness, but this is who I am. I am what I am and I can't change it. Trust me, I have tried many times. Keep checking in, because I will be on here blogging alot about everything.

Craft of the Day: Thanksgiving Turkey Hand Print

This craft is so easy and the kids love making them.

Items you will need:
For the Outline of the Turkey
Marker, pencil, crayon, or pen
Construction paper or cardboard paper

For Decorating Turkey (optional, your choice):
Googly eyes
Tissue Paper

Directions to Make Turkey Hand Print:
  1. Take your hand or your child's hand and place it on the paper.
  2. Use a marker or any writing tool and trace the hand onto the paper.
  3. Next decorate your turkey whichever way you like...
(hint) The thumb part is where you put the eyes, gizzard and beak, then at the bottom of the hand place the turkey's legs.

  1. Another way to make your turkey is to paint your hand or your child's hand and stamp the paper with it.
  2. Let it dry and paint or draw over it.
Kids love to do this craft. My son and I just did this and he didn't want to stop making them and they are great for Thanksgiving decorations!

Dear Santa, All I Want For Christmas is

  1. A laptop with a web cam already in it
  2. Pretty warm fleece pajamas
  3. GPS for my car
  4. Silpat for baking
  5. New workout gear (clothes and sneakers)
  6. KitchenAid Chef Series Food Chopper (in Chrome or Susan G. Komen Pink one to leave on my countertop for small jobs) (red will do since it's on sale at Target and I think
  7. Wii Just Dance
  8. Wii Kinect Sensor
  9. Gift Certificates (QVC for my Bare Escentuals Makeup, iTunes, TJ Maxx)
  10. Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set) [Box set] [Hardcover]
  11. Flip Camcorder
  12. Accessories for my Canon Rebel XS DSLR (such as a better flash)
And don't worry Santa, I will add to the list in the next couple of weeks!

Happy Birthday Wishes to My Sweet Little Boy

Happy Birthday to my special miracle baby...Mommy loves you more than the world. You make my life worth living every day. You are my shining star! You are truly a blessing from God, my little sunshine!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Planning this Year's Thanksgiving Menu

I throw all the holiday dinners at my home, because I want to eat what I like for that specific holiday. I want to make sure everyone eats well and has been fed like a king or queen. I always make way too much food and have leftovers forever. I love it and look forward to every holiday, because I get to cook certain things that I don't always have during a regular dinner night. It's like the special day when you get to have all your comfort foods at once. Can you tell that I am a foodie? Well, I am and now it's time to plan my Thanksgiving dinner menu. I have put lots of thought into it for a little over a month now. "Crazy", you say. Well, yes it is, but I so far there have never been any complaints at one of my holiday dinners, so it can't be that bad.

2010 Thanksgiving Menu (Rough Draft -give or take)
Candied walnuts, cranberries and gorgonzola harvest salad
Brined Roasted Glazed Turkey
Mushroom and Turkey Gravy
Vegetarian brown gravy
Best ever golden mashed potatoes
Candied yams
Sauteed red cabbage with caraway and apples
The best vegetarian stuffing ever
Garlic green beans
Cranberry and orange sauce
Freshly baked wheat dinner rolls

Spiced Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake
Bourbon Pecan Pie
Fresh Whipped Cream

Awesome Deal at Woot: Philips Blu-Ray Home Theater System for $199.99

Just a quick FYI, Woot has a great sellout deal that I would purchase if I didn't already get a blu-ray player for my hubby's birthday. Here's a link. It's a Philips Blu-Ray Home Theater System for $199.99.  Here's the link for it if anyone is interested.

Scrumptious Raspberry Lemon Oatmeal Bars

Bar Batter
3 cups old fashioned oats or quick oats
1 package yellow cake mix or butter recipe cake mix (18.25 oz)
1 cup butter
2/3 can of sweetened condensed milk

2 Tbsp of lemon juice (freshly squeezed lemon)
10 oz jar of rasberry preserves

Directions :
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.Get a big mixing bowl and add all the bar batter ingredients into the bowl. Mix with a wooden spoon or mix with a hand or stand mixer. Then get a small mixing bowl and add the raspberry preserves and lemon juice into it and mix it well. Grab a 9 x 13 pan (buttered) and pat half the mixture on the bottom of the pan, making it even. Now it's time to spread the raspberry filling evenly on top of the bar mixture. Next, add the rest of the cake mixture on top. I kind of crumbled the bar filling on top of the filling and then pressed it down a bit. Bake for 22-25 minutes, make sure not to let it brown. Also keep an eye out for the bottom of the bar to make sure it doesn't burn. Let bars cool and enjoy!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tip of the Day: Know when to say when

I have to learn this tip of the day, which is "know when to say when". I do everything over the top and need to know there are limits. I know many of us have trouble with this in some parts of our lives. Mine is with food, spending money, etc. I think a great idea is, next time you are in this predicament, to stop and take a breath, count to 10, and tell yourself, "you won't be happy with yourself later, if you overdo it"... Hope you enjoy this tip of the day and learn to use it in your life. I will try in my own.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tip of the Day: Make sure to tie your shoes...

Yes, please make sure to tie your shoes. Especially if it's raining where you are and you have to go outdoors. Otherwise your laces will get muddy. And who wants to unless leather or pleather shoes just throw the laces in the wash. Not I.. Also, if you don't tie your shoes, then you might trip and fall and break something. Not a good idea, when the holidays are coming up. How are you supposed to go shopping on Black Friday if you have a broken arm or leg? You could end up missing out on that hot item that you have to fight over, or run for to get. Although, you might be able to use your cast if it's a broken arm and knock someone out with it...but I didn't say that, and I am kidding...please don't.. I am not suggesting this of course. But see why it's so important to just take a few seconds to tie your shoes... I know this is silly but I am just trying to save you money and time. Hope you enjoyed my tip of the day!

How do you make hot cocoa?

As soon as it gets cold outside, I like to make myself and my children hot cocoa. Summertime is s'mores time and fall and winter time are hot cocoa time... I love to mix it up. I have several different ways that I like to make my hot cocoa. I also love adding toppings to it, such as marshmallows, whipped cream, candy canes, etc.

I would like this post to be a bit more interactive and I want to hear your responses on how you make your hot cocoa.. I will post my cocoa recipes while it's nice and cold outside. So stay tuned and please share your cocoa recipes. I like to try new ways to make it.

Rich and Decadent Hot Cocoa


Bar of good quality chocolate... (Lindt, Ghirardelli, etc.)
1 - 2 Tbsp. of sugar (dark chocolate usually needs a bit more sugar)
pinch of salt
2 cups of whole milk
1/2 tsp of vanilla

Optional: marshmallows, whipped cream, candy cane

Heat a saucepan to medium heat... Break up the good quality chocolate into small pieces and put into saucepan, then add milk...Keep stirring. You can use a whisk or a wooden spoon. Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla, sugar and salt. Stir until chocolate is totally melted and mixed. Pour into your mugs, add toppings and enjoy!

P.S. Don't forget to turn the stove off....

Craft of the Day: Rain Maker

What you will need:
soda bottle with cap
clean baking powder can
anything that is a small container that can be opened and closed (that you can decorate)
dried beans or rice about 1/2 cup full
glue and/or tape
crayons, markers and/or paint

Some items that you can add onto your container (Choice is yours):
Aluminum foil
tissue paper

What to do

  1. Take your container and fill it with the dried beans or rice then close the container nice and tight.
  2. You may add tape to seal the container more so that the rice or beans don't come out of the container.
  3. Now have fun and decorate your containers.
  4. Let them dry if you used glue or paint.
  5. Once your rain maker is dry, then you can go around shaking your rain makers...
A fun thing you can do with your rain makers is get dressed up and have a little pow wow in your living room with the kids or you can do this outside as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Gap Logo is a no-no (hint, hint: bring back the quality)

I feel I need to get this off of my chest. I recently read about Gap wanting to freshen up their logo with a brand spanking new logo...I was totally shocked by this, because that's why most of us buy Gap items. Let's face it, we used to buy Gap because of the quality of their clothes, but these days the quality is more like Old Navy. The cost is still there, but the quality isn't. I remember feeling my Gap shirts and sweaters and thinking how soft they felt and how thick they were. Now, I do the same and they are thin and cheap... The quality is gone, but the prices have still risen. So what does Gap do when they see a drop in revenue, "Hmmm....Let me see...They try to change the logo. That must be the problem"... Seriously, what are these people smoking? That is one of the best things that they still have. Even though the quality has gone down, I am still a faithful consumer because of the Gap Logo. I just hope they will bring the quality back to the clothing, instead of paying ridiculous amounts out to advertising that obviously didn't know anything about marketing.

Take a hint Gap, from a faithful consumer...bring back the quality!!!!!

Recipe: The Best Vegetarian Stuffing Ever

1 1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup celery
2 Granny Smith Apples (cored and chopped)
1 cup of dried cranberries
1 cup of dried cherries
2 tsp rosemary (dried or fresh)
1/2 tsp thyme (dried or fresh)
3 tsp sage (dried or fresh)
1/2 cup of fresh parsley (chopped finely)
7 tbsp butter
1 3/4 cup of vegetarian vegetable broth
1 lb Field Roast Italian Sausage (take out of casing and crumble it)
3 cups whole wheat bread (cut into cubes)
2 cups white bread (cut into cubes)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Put bread cubes in a roasting pan or large pan  (such as a 10 x 17 pan) for approximately 7 minutes. Make sure to check on the bread cubes so they don't burn. You just want them to dry out and toast. I recomemend to mix them halfway through so the bread cubes toast evenly.
3. Sautee your onions in 2 Tbsp of butter on medium heat, then add celery, just as the onions start to turn clear. Sautee for about a minute ad then add the crumbled Field Roast Italian Sausage. Keep mixing and sauteeing for a few minutes, making sure the onions and celery don't burn. Then put aside.
4. Put all the ingredients into a large bowl now and mix together with tongs or with your hands, then place in a large roasting pan.
5. Bake approximately 40 minutes uncovered at 350 degrees, then uncovered for approximately 15 minutes... (Make sure to keep an eye on the stuffing. Mix a few times while baking and make sure it doesn't dry out, if it looks like it's drying out add a bit more broth or butter.

Craft of the Day: Thanksgiving Pumpkin Centerpieces

What you will need:

Small pumpkins
Round headed pins ( multi-colored, pearl, or whatever colors you like)
Puff paint (White, or whatever color you like)
Tacky Glue
Glitter (White, or whatever color you like)

Once you have your small pumpkin, it is time to decorate it. Here are some easy ways to decorate your pumpkins:

Glamour Pin Pumpkin Centerpiece

1. You can take the round headed pin and stick it all the way into the pumpkin. You don't have to push all the pins in. You can create more dimension by not pushing the pins all the way in.
2. Then repeat with the same color pin or different color pins.
3. Have fun designing your pumpkin.

Puff Paint Centerpiece

1. Paint your pumpkin with puff paint. Have fun designing your Thanksgiving pumpkin.
2. You can also add the round headed pins into the pumpkin to add more flare to it.

Glitter Pumpkin Centerpieces

1. Take your tacky glue and start with your designs. I would only do a small part at a time.
2. Add glitter to your glue design.
3. You may also add round headed pins to add to your design.

Hope you enjoy this fun and easy craft!