Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Issues with Materialism: Separation Anxiety with Materialistic Items

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I guess I am overly materialistic. I just sold my Tassimo coffee machine on Amazon and I feel like my heart strings are being majorly tugged on. I feel as if someone just broke up with me. I don't understand why this happens to me. I have always been like this. I have always felt like items had feelings. Maybe it has something to do with being an only child and living on a main road with no neighbors to play with. I didn't have anyone to play with, just my toys. I made them alive in my own way. Maybe that is why people become hoarders. They can't separate from the item they purchased because they feel like they would be hurting the item's feelings. I know this is crazy, but I think that might be one of the big issues. I also feel like I might use certain things again and it's best to keep it, just in case. I have some wonderful friends that have helped me quite a few times, by coming over to my house and helping me let go in a way. We would make a junk, tag sale and keep pile. It really helps to have someone hold your hand through this, especially a good friend that understands you. They will tell you the honest truth and let you know that you really don't need that mini dress from 1988. That it will never fit you again and more than likely, will not be passed on to my boys. Yes, friends are important in helping to fight this "pack rat" battle. It is hard to do alone, especially if you have trouble getting organized. I am organized in certain ways, but falter in other ways. I also wonder if it has something to do with genes. My father is a major hoarder and my mom always says that I am just like him. She is more like Martha Stewart/Mommy Dearest, when it comes to cleanliness and organization. I can clean, but I can really pack things away... haha, even pounds. Okay, back to the subject. Yes, genetics must have something to do with it. I know I am just like my father in many ways and being a pack rat is one of them. We have the same mentality, that you might need it one day. We try to save things and hold on to them, because you never know. I have to say that I am trying to control my issue, by having friends become part of my rescue. Thank God for them, and you know who you are! I know when it's getting out of hand and I decide to take control of it before it can control me. And that's where I will end this. I will say goodbye to my Tassimo tomorrow and send it on it's way to it's new owner. Then list a couple of more items that have been sitting around doing nothing. Time to break away from my materialism....

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