Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tip of the Day: Make sure to tie your shoes...

Yes, please make sure to tie your shoes. Especially if it's raining where you are and you have to go outdoors. Otherwise your laces will get muddy. And who wants to unless leather or pleather shoes just throw the laces in the wash. Not I.. Also, if you don't tie your shoes, then you might trip and fall and break something. Not a good idea, when the holidays are coming up. How are you supposed to go shopping on Black Friday if you have a broken arm or leg? You could end up missing out on that hot item that you have to fight over, or run for to get. Although, you might be able to use your cast if it's a broken arm and knock someone out with it...but I didn't say that, and I am kidding...please don't.. I am not suggesting this of course. But see why it's so important to just take a few seconds to tie your shoes... I know this is silly but I am just trying to save you money and time. Hope you enjoyed my tip of the day!

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