Monday, November 8, 2010

My Issues with Dieting

I have a major issue with dieting. I have spoken about this before on this blog. Some of them work for me but I always resort back to eating. I love food and get comfort from it. I sometimes eat out of boredom, emotional stress, just because, it's there, don't want to waste it, looks too good, need to try it, etc. I have every excuse in the book to eat. And sometimes it's not that I try it, but that I eat it all until there is nothing left and then I end up hating myself because I know I shouldn't have. It happens even during the state of eating the food. I will know that I should stop but I don't and I am already angry with myself because I know it will make me bigger and make me depressed. I guess it's time to go to OA (Overeater's Anonymous) to get a hold of it. I am not afraid of getting help. I am just afraid of not being able to eat. Yes, mental issues, you might say that. That's why this blog is here. I am unafraid of saying how I feel and what I am. I try to be as open as I can. Sometimes it's my downfall because I trust in people way too much and I think that everyone is like this and most are not. People might not like what I write all the time, but it's what I am thinking or what I am feeling at that time. I hope you don't mind my craziness, but this is who I am. I am what I am and I can't change it. Trust me, I have tried many times. Keep checking in, because I will be on here blogging alot about everything.

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