Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Going to Try this Vegan/Vegetarian Diet a Bit More....

I am not perfect, especially when it comes to food. I can cook great food, but that's not the problem...If you have read any of my posts, then you will know that obviously it's my weird relationship with food that's is the true issue.... I like to eat it way too much. I have tried every diet in the book and nothing seems to last long. Now, my husband and children are vegetarians, so this should be easier for me then for someone that wants to go vegan/vegetarian and has an omivorous family. I started to look at the "Skinny Bitch" books by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin and think this might actually be a good thing for me. I have seen many vegans and they always look lean and healthy. Their skin seems to be clear and their hair, shiny. I am going to make myself a guinea pig. Maybe not a perfect one, because I won't totally give up meat yet. I will try to only eat it if I crave it or for the holiday feast. But I am going to try to stop eating meat, eggs and dairy because I really do love animals and I want to help out our environment. I also have an eye out on the new cookbook by Kim Barnouin, called "Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook: Crazy Delicious Recipes that Are Good to the Earth and Great for your Bod". It talks about how terrible high fructose corn syrup, certain non-organic foods with heavy amounts of pesticides on them, certain food dyes that are bad for you, etc. are for you. I think many people are really unaware of how bad certain foods really are to their bodies. Many of these foods are so over processed that they barely provide any nutrition to the person, but does provide them with terrible ailments. With the number of people falling victim to cancer, people should start to look at what they are eating and drinking. Food can make you sick, if you aren't eating the right kinds. I am not trying to badger anyone about this though, because I eat these foods as well. I sometimes don't check the label and say, "Oh well, just this once, I don't care"...I know better, but sometimes I just want to eat the food with the MSG in it, because they just taste so good... And that's where I am wrong also. I also drink diet soda, once in a blue moon, just because I don't want those extra calories, but I don't feel well afterwards. Hmmm....Could it be, because I just drank a can of poison? I will write more on this subject as I try to start eating healthier and try to cut the meat, eggs and dairy out. It will be a slow process, because honestly, I love meat, eggs and dairy. To start, I am running out to the store and picking up some almond milk, more Quorn products (fake meat products), veggies, and who knows what else. Wish me luck and I promise to let you all know how I am doing with this process....

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