Monday, November 15, 2010

Holiday Warning: Customer Service Reps, Naughty and Nice!

I decided it's time to talk about customer service reps. It's the holiday season and many of us will be dealing with them. They will make some of us happy and alot of us upset. They will either make you frustrated or help to make your life better again. Since Friday morning, I have been dealing with them from eBay and from Paypal to no avail. I have been on the phone with several of them with no resolution at the end and been transferred so many times. Oh and the best part was, after being transferred and waiting on hold for 40 minutes, listening to music and speeches that made me want to gag, I was hung up on. My stress levels were pushed to the utmost limits this weekend and I was still at the same place I was at, from the first phone call. Nowhere.
I have been a customer sevice rep. I know how you are supposed to treat your customers. I was always making sure issues were resolved and if I couldn't get it done during the time of the call, then I finished it on the side. I was a top of the line customer service rep. I actually won an IBM thinkpad at my job, because I did my job so well. I also saw the bad customer service reps, some that sat next to me. They would hang up on customers and the reason they did this was because a customer service rep needs to get a certain amount of calls in during a certain time. The call volume needs to stay low and customer service reps were rewarded if they answered several calls in little time. The problem with this was, that issues wouldn't be resolved and those clients would have to call back several times making the call volumes stay up. I watched a customer service rep answer the call and then mute the phone till the customer would hang up. The call would usually last less then a minute and the next call would come in. Since the customer hung up it looked like a resolved issue in no time for that customer service rep. It was terrible, but happened constantly and I bet most of you have gone through similar issues. I feel for you, I really do. I have been on this end so many times myself that I dread when I have to talk to a customer service agent. It's hard to find someone that cares about their job and cares about their customers, especially when reps don't usually make that much money. I will write more on this subject, but I don't want to write a novel at this time on it...haha... Hope you have read it and want to hear more... Tata for now!

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