Thursday, November 11, 2010

PMS = Chocolate, Potato Chips + Bloat + Major Mood Swings

I can not stand PMS. I don't know about every other woman that might get it, but it seems like I am always getting it and that it lasts for 2 weeks. I feel like I am going to eat the house and not only that, look like it afterwards. I get these terrible cravings for the foods that we are not supposed to eat when trying to follow a diet plan. I end up with my hand in a bag of potato chips till they accidentally disappear. "Oops, what happened to the potato chips? Did I do that?" Let's not forget the chocolate, fast food value meals that seem to hit the spot and carton of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Oh and by the way, I said carton because Ben & Jerry's doesn't just come pint size. No siree, they have a nice quart size one as well. Oh yeah, and I can go through a whole quart during a day of PMS, along with as I said before, the whole house. So besides eating everything that my pantries and refrigerator have to offer, I end up having several different personalities. I become Cybil, trust me, ask my husband. Family try to walk around me like there are egg shells everywhere. Seriously, my house becomes a mine field, and if you do or say the wrong thing, I am going to blow. Plus, you don't know what's coming, screaming, crying, laughing, moping, etc. Oh and there are other things that make PMS so much fun, such as bloat. I love when my fingers look like sausages, and when my clothes feel so tight that I feel like I will burst out of the seams. Yeah, thanks mother nature, just what I needed, some more crazy in my life.....

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