Monday, May 31, 2010

So close, yet so far away

Yesterday, as we were about to leave the house, I decided to go grab something out of my car and quickly locked it without thinking. Then I got into my husband's car and realized I still needed something out of my car. I went to grab my keys and realized they were still in my SUV. I did not panic, I just thought, "I'll get my spare in the house". Low and behold, I then realized that the keys were safely tucked away in my gym bag in my SUV. How wonderful, both keys are in the car, not outside of it. Plus, AAA will not open my car up because of it's electronic system or something like that. So now I have to wait till tomorrow, when it's not a holiday to get a new key made for my car at the dealership. Funny thing is that the dealership is about 40 minutes away and my husband has to work so he can't help me out. What to do, what to do. This is my major dilemma. I think I might need a fairy godmother.  This is why I am lucky that my head is attached to me, because otherwise I would have lost it long ago. Wait, I kind have lost it, just in a different kind of way.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Stuck on band-aids

It's that time of the year, to go out and buy your first aid kit if you have children and even if you don't. I feel like summer is the time, when I have to try to rush in the house to find hydrogen peroxide, neosporin, and bandaids... Oh and don't forget the ice pack. I have two rambunctious little boys that can't help but get bumps, scrapes, and cuts. I try to keep them safe, but no matter how hard I try, they somehow seem to find a way to get hurt. So this year, I am totally prepared. I picked up a good first aid kit, then I purchased some important products, such as neosporin, more band-aids, cotton balls, sunscreen, caladryl, and benadryl (new after recall). Last year, I could never find what I needed in time, because I was either out of band-aids because the kids decided they were for fashion statements, or I would run out of hydrogen peroxide...You name it, I was always missing something. Now, this is not good when mother and children are clumsy. I walk into walls, and it seems my children have inherited this wonderful gene. I am hoping we can have a safe summer this year, but I feel it's better to have a filled inventory. I think that if you are prepared, then it's more likely that it will be a more bump, scrape and cut free summer than if I don't! I am wishing you all a safe and healthy summer! Now let the summer fun and games begin!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What to do

I can't figure myself out. If anyone that reads this blog can, please let me know. I have been trying to figure myself out for 34 years. Shhh....don't tell anyone my age. I am really only 22.... But seriously, let's get back to the subject of figuring yours truly out. I have come up with a brand spanking new idea to make essential oil sprays. There are obviously essential oil sprays out there, but these will me my mixes and it will be something that I love to do and hence it's my new idea or venture.  I also should be certified as a personal trainer within the next two months. I am very excited about this as well, just a bit nervous. Now onto, more ways to express myself and somehow make money. So far I can definitely express myself, but the making money part, has been a total no-no. I need to figure out a way to make some moolah. I don't care if the ecomony isn't so great. I still want to make some money and I want to do it by expressing myself. The question is, how do I do something that I love and make money???? Plus how can I stay on a subject long enough  to make the cash roll in? I want to be rolling in the dollars, benjamins preferred of course. If anyone has figured me out, please feel free to comment. If not, that's okay, just send me your money!

Hair weave

I think I am going to add some color to my hair...Feeling kind of punky...Maybe some red or blue... or hot pink. Definitely want something different that I can take out when I want to, without messing up my long natural hair... Worked too hard to get it back to it's natural shiny color and also to grow it long... Being crazy, makes you want to dye and cut your hair all the time. Well, okay at least for me. I just love to change things up all the time. Call me crazy!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gerard Butler

Anyone ever get those celebrity crushes? Well, I do, a bad one...I think Gerard Butler is an amazing Scottish actor and I think he is beautiful! I have been watching him since I first saw him play Atilla the Hun. If you would like to see who I am talking about, because you never have heard of him, then you have come to the right place. Here is a list of the movies he has been in:
How to Train Your Dragon - voice of Stoick
The Bounty Hunter - Milo Hunter
Law Abiding Citizen - Clyde Shelton
Gamer - Kable / John Tillman
The Ugly Truth - Mike Chadway
Tales of the Black Freighter - voice of  "The Sea Captain"
RocknRolla - One Two
Nim's Island - Jack Rusoe / Alex Rover
P.S. I Love You - Gerry
Butterfly on a Wheel - Neil Randall
300 - King Leonidas
Beowulf and Grendel - Beowulf
The Game of Their Lives - Frank Borghi
The Phantom of the Opera - The Phantom
Dear Frankie - The Stranger
Timeline - Andre Marek
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life - Terry Sheridan
Reign of Fire - Creedy
Shooters - Jackie Junior
Attila - Attila the Hun
Jewel of the Sahara - Captain Charles Belamy
Dracula 2000 - Dracula
Harrison's Flowers - Chris Kumac
The Cherry Orchard - Yasha
One More Kiss - Sam
Please! - Peter
Little White Lies - Peter
Tale of the Mummy - Burke
Fast Food - Jacko
The Young Person's Guide to Becoming a Rock Star: Making Tracks - Marty Claymore
Tomorrow Never Dies - Leading Seaman
Mrs. Brown - Archie Brown

Okay, so this is a list of most of the movies that he has played a part in. Now you can go check him out for yourself. Hope you enjoy him as much as I do! I mean, I hope you enjoy the movies as much as I do...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Full Moon - Tip of the day included

Looks like there's a full moon out tonight! Awoooooo.... Like my howl. Watch out for those werewolves and shapeshifters tonight! Or the crazies, like me! No wonder I was going crazy today. I can now blame it on the full moon. I think I might go outside and just stare at the moon for a while. Become one with the moon. That's my tip of the day today... Become one with the moon!

Foods and drinks that I think are perfect for a really hot summer day

  1. Watermelon
  2. Corn on the cob
  3. Ice pops/ Ice cream
  4. Iced Tea
  5. Lemonade
  6. Barbecue chicken
  7. Salad
  8. Chips and salsa
  9. Barbecue ribs
  10. Pina Coladas
I would love to hear what your favorite's are on a hot summer day! Please post your comments!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love letter from my hubby for our anniversary

Today I closed my eyes and held you closely
Inhaled deeply...and for a moment...
forgot about everything else that was around me
Allowing all my senses to fade into the stillness of our being
I exhaled slowly...
And with that breath
The sands of time that have always moved so quickly
...settled within my heart…
Unveiling a light that is forever expanding
from the infinite reflections that make us one
We are the oneness that is everlasting...
...Everlasting, is the reflection of our Love.

Craft of the day - Shaving cream

This craft is great for little kids... It's fun and easy to clean up. It's definitely perfect for toddlers, since they won't destroy anything with shaving cream. If you have a high chair, I would recommend to place them in that, locked in of course. Just spray lots of shaving cream on the tray and voila, let them play and design! You can also use a plate or table. Anyplace that shaving cream is safe to put on.  Hope you enjoy it!

Top ten places I want to travel to

  1. Versailles, France (all over the country)
  2. Italy (Tuscany, Rome, Venice)
  3. Australia
  4. Hawaii
  5. Fiji/Tahiti
  6. California (one of the only places in the states that I haven't made it to)
  7. Scotland
  8. Ireland
  9. England
  10. Greece

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gift ideas for your wedding anniversary - Traditional and/or Modern

Anniversary                 Traditional                Modern

1st                               Paper                       Clocks
2nd                             Cotton                      China
3rd                              Leather                    Crystal / Glass
4th                              Fruit / Flowers         Appliances
5th                              Wood                       Silverware
6th                              Candy / Iron             Wood
7th                              Wool / Copper          Desk Sets
8th                              Bronze / Pottery       Linens / Lace
9th                              Pottery / Willow        Leather
10th                            Tin / Aluminum         Diamond Jewelry
11th                            Steel                         Fashion Jewelry
12th                            Silk / Linen                Pearls
13th                            Lace                         Textiles / Furs
14th                            Ivory                         Gold Jewelry
15th                            Crystal                      Watches
20th                            China                        Platinum
25th                            Silver                        Silver
30th                            Pearl                         Diamond
35th                            Coral                        Jade
40th                            Ruby                         Ruby
45th                            Sapphire                   Sapphire
50th                            Gold                         Gold
55th                            Emerald                    Emerald
60th                            Diamond                   Diamond

Tip of the day

Do something nice for yourself today. Some great examples:

1. Buy yourself something nice
2. Take a nice long hot bath or shower
3. Take a half hour time out for yourself
4. Treat yourself to your favorite dessert
5. Plan a vacation or a weekend getaway
6. Get a massage, facial, or mani-pedi

If you have any great ideas on how you can do something nice for yourself, please feel free to comment!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Amazing Experience

Today, we went to a living museum type of place and they had a section where there are different farm animals that you can get up close and personal with. I saw this beautiful little auburn calf laying down on some hay in her stall. She looked very sleepy and sad, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Just about the same time, the farmhand came out with a big baby bottle (calf-sized). I asked him how old she was, because she was so tiny and I he said she is only 10 days old. When she saw him, she got right up and was so excited to get her bottle. It was so amazing to watch her nurse that bottle. I had never seen this in real life before. She was hopping around, rubbing up against the farmhand. She was such a giddy little calf. She finished that bottle so quickly and wanted more, but that was all they would give her because she was on scheduled feedings. She started to suck on the farmhands fingers and I said that they should get her a calf-sized pacifier. I was saddened to hear that her mother rejected her and so she was pretty much on her own. No wonder she looked so sad and loney laying there before. I went up to her and pet her and let her suckle on my arm and elbow. She was so happy and loved being cuddled. I didn't want to leave her. It was hard to say goodbye, but my arm was covered with calf slobber and I had to go wash up. It was about closing time and we couldn't stay any longer. I have to say it was one of those experiences that I will never forget and will hold it close to my heart. I wish I could have brought her home with me. I don't think I will ever be able to eat beef again. How could I? After bonding with such a precious little girl? She had so much personality and was even more attentive than most dogs or cats that we have living at most of our homes. We don't eat them, so how could I eat a cow? It looks like beef is off the menu for good in this household......


Sorry, I have been M.I.A. for a couple of days. I just needed to gather my thoughts. I was trying to get back into the right state of mind. This sometimes happens to me and all I can really do is concentrate on my family and try to keep the house clean. I throw everything else to the wind and hope all will land safely. Feeling better now...almost fully revived...still a bit worn, but much better. Feel the energy to write again! Love getting the creative juices flowing again. I love when my mind starts coming up with new ideas. Unfortunately they usually happen just about the same time that I am trying to go to sleep. I'll lay there in bed, and go...this sucks, I don't want to get out of bed and get the laptop. And sometimes I will get it and sometimes, I will just hope for the best, that I'll remember it in the morning. Usually, I will forget it and that will be the end of that great idea... I bet I could have made lots of money by now, if I had only gotten out that laptop or that pen and paper. My muse likes to work the late shift, it seems. Unfortunately, my kids like to work the early shift... Poo-poo for me. But I am back and should be coming up with lots of new posts in the upcoming days. Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take the day off

I think most people are running on empty these days. It is so hard to catch a break from the stress of everyday life. I totally understand this. I am a stay at home mom and I don't feel like there is enough time in the day to get everything done. I am constantly rushing around, running about aimlessly like a chicken with it's head cut off... I am not organized one bit and can't keep a list if I wanted to. It would just disappear within seconds..."Poof", there it went! I know my friend's that read this would say, "But you take naps in the middle of the day". Yes, I will not lie, I do try to take a nap when my youngest one naps. But one thing, most don't know is that, I am lying there with 5,000 different ideas going through my head. I don't sleep I just lie there, with all these thoughts driving me completely insane. I keep telling myself stop thinking. Just "STOP THINKING"! But I can't, my mind races too fast. I am so tired, but feel like there is so much to do and so little time. I think alot of us feel this way. I don't think we get enough time for ourselves. Whether it be a job, parenting, etc. There is always something that needs to be done. I think people in certain parts of Europe have a better clue at life than we do, when it comes to taking care of ourselves. I think that we would be healthier and less stressed if we got more time off to breathe. We need siestas and more time off. As a housewife, I would like my husband to have more time off, so that we can enjoy our family without the stress of him going right back to work. I think that companies should either offer more vacation time, or maybe a 4 day work week (same amount of hours). I will write more on this topic, but alas I am tired and need my rest. This sleeping beauty has a very busy day tomorrow. I bet you do too! I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Creamy Mushroom Soup

3/4 cup of butter
2 packages of mushrooms (recommend cremini)
2 onions
1/4 cup of chopped fresh parsley
4 tablespoons mushroom bouillon (recommend Better Than Bouillon Mushroom Base)
1 tablespoon vegetable bouillon (recommend Organic Better Than Bouillon Vegetable Base)
4 cups of water
1 1/2 heavy cream

Slice onions, mushrooms and parsley. Heat stock pot at medium heat. Add butter. Once butter has melted, add the onions until transluscent. Then add mushrooms. Saute and stir onions and mushrooms for about 15 minutes, then add water and bouillon to the pot. Heat on medium high heat for 15 more minutes. Then add heavy cream and parsley and cook for another 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Craft of the Day - Watercolor with magic markers

You will need cardstock paper or some sort of thick paper to do this project, washable markers and a nice rainy day. This is a very easy and fun project for the kids. Draw whatever pictures you like, such as a full landscape or an abstract. Then put it outside when it's raining and leave it there for a bit then bring it back inside and let it dry. You will have a beautiful watercolor painting made by you and mother nature!

My new bread machine

For many years, I wanted to purchase a bread machine. I love to cook and bake and thought I should have every kitchen gadget possible. I love the smell and taste of freshly baked bread and knew that the bread machine would make this possible for me. I know what you are probabaly thinking, "Use a loaf pan". And yes, a loaf pan works but I didn't want the hastle of the other processes and the mess they make. Like mixing up the, waiting for it to rise for "x" amount of time, and then finally baking it. The bread machine does everything. I just put my ingredients in and it does the work for me. A few hours later, I have a fresh loaf of bread. And I can even set it on a timer so that I have freshly baked bread as I wake up in the morning. Perfect with a nice big slather of butter and honey. Bread machines can be pretty expensive, but I found one for about $50. This is the exact machine I have and I love it: Breadman TR520 Programmable Bread Maker for 1-, 1-1/2-, and 2-Pound Loaves. I have made honey wheat bread alot and cinnamon raisin bread. These are my two favorites. It is much more cost efficient then buying good bread at the store and has no crap in it. No high fructose corn syrup, artificial sugars, etc. So much healthier than a lot of breads out there and so delicious. I especially love the lingering scent of freshly baked bread in my house. It's actually in the air as I type this, since my bread just finished baking 10 minutes ago. And yes, I already had a slice. No low carb girl here! Moderation is the key!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I just came home from another night of adult gymnastics. And no.... it is not some x-rated thing that I do at home, it's really gymnastics for adults. We started off with stretches and then preceded to do yoga. Halfway through the class we got into floor exercises such as cartwheels, roundoffs, handstands, etc. Then we did flips at the end of the long trampoline and did some jumps on the big trampoline and ended with stretches. By the way if you do 4 cartwheels in a row, you'll end up pretty dizzy. It's definitely a fun-filled hour that takes me back to being a kid again. I am proud to say that I even did a headstand that I didn't think I could do anymore. We use different appartuses when we have classes and it's alot of strength training. Those olympic gymnasts are hard core. The strength training is vigorous and I am only in an adult gymnastics class. It is so exhilarating and goes by so fast. I am always looking forward to the next class. It is a great way to build strength in your body and keep you more limber. If you have never tried it, I recommend you do! Definitely a great way to relive your childhood....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tip of the Day

Give someone you love or care about a hug!

Laurell K Hamilton

I have been reading the Anita Blake Series by Laurell K Hamilton which is my new addiction. I can't seem to put these books down. Anita Blake is an animator and also known as "The Executioner", vampire executioner that is. She is a necromancer and can control zombies and vampires. She is a petite little thing that is as tough as nails. She becomes romantically involved with certain vampires and shapeshifters, but I won't say anymore about that because you won't want to read it if I give away too much. It keeps you sucked in and they are pretty naughty, not PG rated if you know what I mean. If you haven't read this series, I highly recommend them. I started to read this series after I ran out of my 2 other addictive series of books. The first was the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer and then the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I was trying to figure out what I can read next and this became my new addiction.

My new retro Cuisinart pan

My Birthday Cake

This is the cake I made for myself on my birthday. It doesn't look as good as it tasted. It was a delicious homemade butter cake with fresh raspberry filling and a white coconut ganache poured over it. I made my own cake, because I was the only one that would make it the way that I wanted it to be done.

Sale Finder

One thing you will learn about me on this site, is that I love to shop. It makes me feel good. When I go to the store or if I go online and find a great deal, it makes me feel great. I just recently watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and realized that they wrote a story about me. I have gotten much better then I used to be. I used to max out my credit cards, but now I have pretty much gotten rid of them. I am almost done paying the last one off... Does this mean that I have stopped shopping? Oh no... I have not stopped, but I am more careful and I have become a real good deal hunter. I love to shop at places like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, outlets,, eBay,, Sephora, qvc, hsn, etc. I always check out the deals on and you will see that I had it set up on my blog as well because I like to make things easy for everyone. Also a great place to get a great deal when you want to go out to eat is I go on to before I go to and I check to see if they have any promo codes for Then I go to find a local restaurant where I can get a $25 or so gift certificate for like let's say $10 then I add the promo code and sometimes only pay a few dollars for the $25 gift certificate to a restaurant. And yes, they do work. I am living proof. I have many friends following this and would not steer them wrong, because they know where I live...Also I find great deals on Most of the time, they are things I don't need, but I did find lots of cute little things for the kids for christmas on there, such as an mp3 player and a disney mini camcorder. I will be posting a picture of my new cuisinart skillet pan that I just purchased. I love the retro yellow color of the exterior of it. I sound like a guy talking about his car. But I can't help myself, I love my kitchen gadgets. I am a self-taught cook and love to cook with well made kitchen tools. So I will show you my new skillet that I have to christen tonight....
 By the way, if you are also a great deal hunter, please post where you find great deals. Or if you know of a specific one, please post it. Thanks in advance from your shopoholic crazy girl!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So one of my passions at the moment is Zumba. I absolutely love it, can't get enough of it. "What is Zumba?", you say. Well it's dancing to latin and international music to make exercise fun. They are based on salsa, cumbia, merengue, reggaeton and other dance styles and forms. It is interval training, so the pace will pick up from slow to fast to slow, etc. I always think of it as an hour at a dance club, minus some guy trying to hit on me and minus the drinks. Okay, drinks would be nice, but come's a fitness class. If you have never tried it, you need to. It is a fun way to get a real good calorie burn in. I usually can burn 500 - 700 calories in a class, based on my Polar heart rate monitor. So my thing now is that I might actually go take the class to become an instructor. I love to do the classes, but don't know if I have the nerves to teach the class or the memory to teach all those people that usually come to a Zumba class... What a dilemma...I will keep you all posted regarding the outcome of becoming a Zumba instructor and I would love to hear you post comments on what you think of Zumba...

Favorite items for relaxation

1.    Lavender oil for the bed
2.    Yankee Candles
3.    A really good book
4.    Victoria’s Secret or Bath and Body Works Bubble Bath
5.    A spa gift certificate for a massage
6.    A nice hot cup of chamomile tea
7.    Glass of red or white wine ( I prefer red)
8.    A real soft blanket to cuddle up to
9.    Soothing music
10.  Aromatherapy (Use essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, sandalwood or mandarin)

Tip of the Day

Take 20 minutes out of the day just for me….

Flickering Flame of the Soul

I have this passion, this fire
Feels like someone is always trying to snuff it out
Every time it starts to gain momentum
It starts to falter, due to outer forces
That I have no control over
My power weakens as time flies by
Do I stay or do I go
Will my energy strengthen, if I shall leave
What happens if I stay
Will my flame burn out like the stars in the sky
Will my misery finally overshadow my heart and turn it into ash
Is happiness waiting in the outer realms that are out of reach
My soul gravitates towards an unknown source that is untouchable
If only I could stretch my being towards this source
To seek truth and purpose in my life
Then my fire would burn brightly
Like the sun in the sky shining down upon us
Warming our bodies, our thoughts, our lives
Pushing us further into different realms of being
Enlightening our paths to unspeakable truths

RPS better known as, Recovering Princess Syndrome

This passage is from over a year ago when I was frustrated with trying to get my site up and running.

Have you ever asked your significant other to help you out with something that they have lots of knowledge with, and they won’t give you the time of day. I have that problem all the time. Take for example, this website. I purchased the name of this site months before my husband finally actually decided to design it. I had written several pages for my blog and had ideas of how I wanted it to look, but it couldn’t be put together till he had the time for me. He is a great web designer and makes a living doing it, but when it comes to his wife, I come last to all his other tasks. I guess that’s normal with most people. I guess that’s why I try to do most things on my own, that I never would have done before. I am much more independent now that I am married, then before. It is a definite change from my days as an only child. I guess you can call me a recovering princess.

Oh, those kind of dreams....

Okay, so have you ever woken up in the morning and had a horrible nightmare that your significant other has been cheating. You wake up with steam coming out of your ears, tears in your eyes, and your heart thumping fast, because you are so angry at them that you want to throw something at them. They try to say good morning and give you a hug or kiss and you just push them away and you snap at them. For the rest of the day, they are the enemy. Yes, this has happened to me on several occasions and my husband would say it requires medication, but I know as well as all of you, that this happens to most everyone at some point in their life. In a way, it reminds you that you love your partner and feel the fear of losing them, without really having to lose them. I usually get mad, but at the same time I am so happy that it was only a nightmare and that we are fine and that I don’t really have to lose him, to feel how important he really is to me.

Another one of my photographs....

My ongoing battle....

I have never felt comfortable in my own body, except for my first couple of years in college. I had worked so hard to look good and it took everything in me to get that way. I have been dieting since I was in fifth grade. I am a yo-yo dieter. I have tried it all and forgot how to eat and how to exercise. I finally joined Weight Watchers and it worked. If I stuck to the points, I lost weight. I have finally learned how to eat again. I am not perfect and I still binge a lot, but now I know how to control my portions. I know how much I really should be eating and how much I need to exercise. I also have to say that a personal trainer is a great way to work your body for your own individual needs. They personalize the workout to your body. I was always afraid that I would gain weight from lifting weights, but I have learned through my personal trainer that it will create a lean and toned body. I still have a ways to go, but it definitely is working. If I was more strict with my diet, then I would be at my goal, but then I would not be having as much fun. You need to treat yourself at times and not get mad when you do mess up, which I do too often. This is the way you learn to make it a lifestyle. I used to screw up my diet and then binge for months. Now I know I just have to get back on the wagon if I fall off. The great thing about this way of life is you can always have a fresh start. I am living proof that it works. I have lost over 50 pounds and have kept it off for more than a year thanks to Weight Watchers and exercise.

Homemade Tortilla Recipe


4 cups of flour
½ cup flour for rolling out tortillas
2 cups of water
1 tsp. salt
4 Tbsp. canola oil

Take a tsp. of the canola oil and rub it around a bowl. Place 4 cups of flour and 2 cups of water and 1 tsp. of salt in the bowl and mix it together. Once you have mixed the ingredients, knead the dough for a few minutes. Make a nice round piece of dough and let it stand covered for 15 minutes. Take a handful size of the tortilla dough and roll it into a ball and then flatten it out. Get out your rolling pin and roll out the dough into a circle. Keep turning the dough, so you get a nice circle. Heat up a skillet or griddle at medium heat and add some of your canola oil to grease the pan. Place your tortilla into the skillet and heat for about 30 seconds on each side or until you see it lightly browned.

Craft of the Day - Marble Painting

Items needed:

Soda box
Poster paint –non-toxic

Take the piece of paper and lay it inside the box. Pour some paint into a bowl. You can use as many colors if you like. Drop the marbles in the paint and swirl them around . Then drop the marbles into box and let your child move the box around. They will end up with a really neat marble painting.

One morning, over a year ago....

So far the day is going by quickly. I felt like I was going to lose my mind this morning as I tried to make breakfast for the four of us. I was trying to make homemade tortillas on the skillet while getting two bowls of cereal ready for the boys and scrambling up eggs, while the veggie bean burrito mixture was heating up in the microwave. All the while, I have my son asking me for yogurt , my husband telling me that he should already be working and my baby running around my legs, trying to trip me. I finally did get two delicious breakfast burritos out for my husband and I, while the baby and my son had cereal, scrambled eggs and yogurt. So now everyone is full and the house is in shambles, time to clean. The work of a housewife is never-ending.

My ever changing top 10 movies of all time

1.    Practical Magic
2.    The Notebook
3.    Legends of the Fall
4.    Dangerous Beauty
5.    Pulp Fiction
6.    Twilight
7.    Grease
8.    Usual Suspects
9.    A Bronx Tale
10.  Dead Poet’s Society

My self-professed addictions

1. Food
2. Shopping
3. Alcohol
4. Blogging
5. Eternal quest to be thin

A little bit more about me written over a year ago, when I first thought of starting this...

I am a stay at home mom with two crazy little boys. People always call me crazy and weird, in a good way of course. I love to have fun and try to keep everything positive around me, even though my husband would say otherwise. My mind is like a tornado. There are so many different elements flying through my head at once. So why not start this blog and clear my head…..

I am 32 years old and still feel like a teenager. I know some people would call that crazy, but that’s how I feel most of the time. I have a 12 year old girl that comes over to help out with the kids and likes to hang out with me and my boys if she gets bored. She will bring her best friend along with her and we will chit chat about a movie, such as Twilight and talk about how cute the guy is in it or play the Wii. I realize at those moments that I act the same as them, but come on now I am 32. I am supposed to act like a grown up, but don’t really want to. It makes me realize that, yes, I am getting older and unfortunately I can’t turn back the clock and no, I shouldn’t have a crush on a 21 year old actor…. But a lot of us don’t feel like we are older, it’s just that our bodies tell us we are. I honestly wish I could hit pause, or press rewind. I don’t want to get old. I like myself where I am right now and feel like my good years are now. If 40 is the new 30, then 30 is the new 20, right? I feel like there is so much I still want to do with my life. I know what I want to do when I grow up, but wonder if it’s too late to actually do it.

One of my many photographs that I have taken.... hope you like it!

My Maple Cinnamon Pancakes Recipe

Maple Cinnamon Pancakes
Preparation 15 minutes

Cooking time 20 minutes

2 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
2 cup milk
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter.

1. Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in a bowl.
2. Then combine the eggs, milk, vanilla and maple syrup in another bowl.
3. Pour the bowl with the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients' bowl and mix well until there are no lumps.
4. Heat griddle on low-medium heat.
5. Drop about a teaspoon of butter onto the griddle and make sure to coat the pan with the butter.
6. Once it is hot, take a ladle and drop about 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle. Repeat for each pancake. When you see the top of the pancake start to bubble, turn it with a spatula. Cook the other side until it is a nice golden light brown color.

(Side note: This recipe makes a good amount of pancakes, you can make half this recipe if it's only for 2 or 3 people.)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My First Post

I have been trying to set up my site for over a year now. Well, finally I have something to show for it. Can you believe it took me a year to do a few simple steps. This is my life. I will think of all these things to do, but never get anything accomplished. They are these little dreams waiting to become reality and I just leave them all over the place. I have always been like this. I had to play ever sport in the world when I was a kid. I wanted to have every toy possible, but then never played with them. The sad part is it's the same now. I go to the gym, go to MOPS, am part of a playgroup, etc. and then I just started to do gymnastics on top of being a full time stay at home mom. I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done. I also read whenever I can actually get a chance. How many books am I reading at once? At the moment 3, but I will probably add on to that. Oh and then I just added this blog to my huge lists of things I do. Do you feel overwhelmed yet? Join my world...I'll show you overwhelmed! I think I am sometimes too much for people to handle. I talk too much. I do everything too much. I am crazy girl!